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  • Fendrihan MK II Full Stainless Razor
    4.00 star(s)
    Great razor for a new or experienced wetshaver
    I bought this razor back in 2017 (now 2024) so the review should be all right. I had time to use the razor multiple times with a few blades...
    • Luc

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Price: Can't be beat. Picked mine up from Nashville Knife Shop for $25. Perfect for the budget-minded first-timer. Quality: No complaints at all. Silo mechanism is super smooth, and the razor feels solid in your hand, but not at the expence of being chunky or too heavy. User Friendly: I can't imagine a more user-friendly razor. The Parker is sized just right for those of us who were used to Mach 3-sized razors before -- its longer handle and lighter weight make wetshaving an easy...
0.45 star(s) 31 ratings
PRICE: at $35 a pop, this is the most expensive shaving cream I've run across, so my no means is it cheap. Quality: The stuff is well put together using aloe, coconut acid, glycerin, and Lime EO, so it provides a great cushion for your shave. However, it does look a bit funky. It is very thick and goopy, and their are sections that are almost gel like. Just look at the way it sticks to the finger, it has a very heavy consistency Scent: As soon as you open the tub you are...
I'll preface this by saying that I only have a very small case of SBAD, so by no means am I a brush expert like Joel or others. My first Brush was a weenie AOS pure badger, after which I got a honking xxl 30mm shavemac. That tided me over for quite some time until I decided it was too large to travel with and too large for soaps. I decided to go with SR-208 as it only has a 25mm knot, and I assumed it would have more maneuverability... I assumed wrong. Next to my 30mm shavemac silvertip...
0.23 star(s) 39 ratings
Price: Great value. As $35 brushes go, it can't be beat. Consider again that its probably readily available in a mall shop near you, and you've got yourself a fantastic brush for the price. Quality: Exactly what you'd expect out of a brush at this price -- I've had a couple hairs shed, and a couple around the periphery lose contact with the main knot after a few days, but nothing really unacceptable. The handle and bristles look extremely attractive, and fluff out well after a few good...
0.57 star(s) 7 ratings
I have very high regard for this stuff. It smells exactly like the heirloom roses in my backyard garden, and spraying a bit of this on absolutely brings me back there. This is not a sweet chemical smell or a perfumed odor, it is 100% roses. My wife dislikes this scent on me, which is too bad because I'd love to use it every day. After an especially bad shave, a few sprays of this on my face removes razor burn almost immediately, and replaces the burn with a fresh-from-the-rose-garden...
1.00 star(s) 4 ratings
Thanks to a few enablers here at B&B, I finally broke down and Contacted Lee at Lee's Razors and ordered my PJ2. I've lusted after this brush for quite some time, due to the handle design. I call it the "Mae West" brush. That being said, I'm in love with Mae! I've used this brush exclusively for the past week. I've tried it with Taylor's, T&H, hard soaps, soap sticks and glycerine soaps. This brush just flat out performs. The tops are soft, but bristles stand up under pressure, and it...
(Image Credit to www.amazon.com) I picked up this product as a means to help with Razor Burn after the fact, and in this respect, the product works very well. I ordered this from MensEssentials, and their price was competitive with other websites. Now the Pros of the product- This product is very good after the fact at helping alleviate ingrown hairs and razor burn, and I believe it works similar to Solution 2, and Tend Skin. I normally use it after shaving, before putting on my...
0.58 star(s) 38 ratings
This soap is quite well known here in Montreal, and I've noticed that this blue-bowled version is becoming more and more popular. The scent is completely different from it's black-bowled counterpart, definitely more perfumy, but nice, and I think the lather is very decent, although not as slick and creamy as other soaps that I have. The overall shave, moisturization and skincare are good as well. Price-wise, 5.99$ is not a prohibitive sum of money for a 125 ml bowl. This soap's good enough...
0.57 star(s) 7 ratings
This review is for the Edwin Jagger Medium Traditional Silvertip. I point this out because there are a lot of brushes on The English Shaving Company website. First, the review. You'll have to wait for the photos. Quality: As soon as you take this brush out of the box, you know it's a quality shaving instrument. The fit and finish is fantastic. The handle feels of quality as the material is dense and the finish is superb. Not a single hair loss in the 2.5 weeks of daily use and...
0.79 star(s) 102 ratings
I just pulled this along with the Pinaud Clubman Talc out of the depths of my bathroom cabinet. Its been there for a good 6 years while I have been searching for a great barber salon nostalgic scent. Taking a whiff of this straight away it smells pretty good, but after you put it on, boy it just brings out the best in any shave. Although its alcohol based the sting is fairly minimal. I dont soak my face with the alcohol based products anyways and follow with a more hydrating product. It...
Huge disgusting disappointment:thumbdown I bought it on a lark. On clearance at Marshalls the price for a large 8 oz tub was only $6 (MSRP $21, can you believe it?) . The label read like a dream cream. "Fragrance Free, advanced PTR technology, soothes, prevents cuts and razor irritation, with vitamin E, pro vitamin B5, allantoin, for all skin types including sensitive." Open it up and it looks like a decent cream. Smells rather mildly medicinal. So, soak my brush in hot water, dab a...
I don't have a really high opinion of this stuff. I bought it eager to try a pedigreed splash (rather than the balms I usually favor) expecting it to be wet and to smell strongly of sandalwood. I was wrong on both counts. First time I aplied it, I dabbed out a little in my palm, rubbed my hands together, then paused for 1.5 seconds to look over my shoulder. Lo and behold, when I slapped hand to face, boh were bone dry. Nothing there! I've tried mixing with water in my palm, that...
0.80 star(s) 5 ratings
This is the one product my wife thanks me for wearing, and no matter how many other products I try to love, this is the only one that she will comment on. Oddly enough, it's not just my wife -- basenotes.com goes so far as to say that it's "a big hit with the ladies." The fragrance notes are: They also rated its endurance of the balm at 6 hours, which is about right (http://www.basenotes.net/articles/balmendurance.html). This is the balm I turn to (over AoS, Taylor of OBS, T&H, and...
0.16 star(s) 25 ratings
I've been using these for a while, and although I ended up with all three of them, I use lavender almost exclusively (this is my third vial). I find lavender and sandalwood absolutely intoxicating, so much so that they have spoiiled other renditions of those scents for me. Their moisturizing capability is also unrivaled among all others I have tried so far. The only downside for me is the price ($38 for 122 ml), and the fact that, because it contains vitamin C, it tends to sting a bit...
This is without question the BEST Aftershave Balm I have ever used. And, I've tried many. Too many. The good news is, the quest for ultimate ASB is over for me. I typically go for alcohol based after shaves, but I received this from Tom (TomH - a stellar guy) and so I've been using it this past week. This product does contain alcohol, but it is a balm and acts like it and with flying colors. Well, I am very impressed to say the least. It has an incredible "care-giving" effect to the skin...
1.40 star(s) 5 ratings
OK - I'll admit it. I am a huge fan of the No 88 scent! Based on the folks that I've spoken to; this is basically a love it or hate it type of situation. So, please view this opinion from the camp that LOVES it.... That said: At $39, this soap probably has to be the worst soap value that I can remember purchasing. If you have the scratch to buy it in it's (pictured) black glass bowl; that combination will set you back a total of $89 plus shipping! :eek: Now that the 'elephant in the...
Price – The Saint Charles Shave shave crèmes are competitively priced. While not the cheapest shave cream on the market, this product still represents a great bargain when you consider its high quality. Scent – I’ve been fortunate enough to try 4 of the 5 scents that Sue currently has available (Very V, Bay Rum, Fairway, & Lime) and have been very pleased by all of them. I know that Sue holds each product she develops under a very extreme level of scrutiny before ever releasing one to...
Received this in the mail recently. But let me back up, I have been a fan of Old Spice after shave for quite a few years. My dearly departed dad, wore this just about everyday when I was growing up. This was a crisp manly scent. Well about a year ago I purchased a bottle and the bottle looked differant than what I remembered but it was inexpensive so I bought it. It didnt last too long and left a powdery note after awhile. Fast forward, I saw this advertised by Mama Bear, so I took a chance...
The lights go down in the theater, and the credits begin. Your heart races with anticipation - this is the first time you have been on a real date with a girl. She sits next to you, eating candy and looking at the screen. The smell of her is intoxicating, almost overwhelming. Soft, sweet, spicy, beguiling. Shyly, you extend your arm around her shoulders. Will she pull away? No. Your heart is about to explode out of your chest. She turns her head to you, staring into your eyes. You...
0.71 star(s) 7 ratings
This balm is very good: a great dry scent which lasts many hours on me, good moisturizing properties and a very classy packaging (a rubberized heavy glass bottle). Excellent for layering with other sandalwood products, but also very good in combination with other scents (for instance: GFT's coconut oil or Bronnley's samphire shaving cream). I honestly can't think of anything negative to say. A bit pricey perhaps?
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