I've had this pen for a couple weeks now, and done a good amount of writing with it. Some journal entries, a letter, general fast notes. Been writing with it using Iroshizuku Syo-ro.
Comes in a really nice storage box with a short standard cartridge and a converter. Good solid feel and weight to it in the hand when closed. The cap is a screw cap, but only takes one full rotation to cap/uncap, so you don't feel like it's taking forever to get the pen open. The bulk of the weight is in the...
Platt Rogers Spencer, "Spencerian System of Practical Penmanship" (theory book and set of 5 copybooks)
For those wishing to learn a classic American penmanship style, the choices would seem to be Copperplate or Spencerian (perhaps also Palmer Method depending upon how one uses the word "classic"). The Spencerian system of the late 19th century was the invention of Platt Rogers Spencer and is based upon his thorough and logical analysis of letterform and style. It is...