God's gift to the wet shaving community.
Astra Superior Platinum is one of the sharpest blade out there yet it's so smooth, it doesn't skip or tug.
Because it's so forgiving and compatible with a wide range of razors, this is probably the best beginner blade out there. Hands down.
Did I also tell you this is also one of the cheapest blades out there if bought in 100 piece carton?
I ordered some blades from tryablade.com and one of them was Voskhod. From what I gather they are made in Russia. Last night was my first shave with one and it was probably the worst blade I've tried to date. I must however say that I did have a one day stubble but with my Feather or SuperMax blades it's never a problem. I only shaved about 4 strokes before I gave up on the blade, there was a lot of tug when shaving. When running my finger across the blade it does not feel sharp at all. I...
Gillette 7 o’clock
Sharp Edge (Yellow)
Ever woke up in the early morning to shave off that thick beard that has been sitting on your face for the last two weeks or that two days stubble? Then this blade is yours.
The Gillette 7 o’clock Sharp Edge (Gillette SE) like name implies is a very sharp blade so if you’re a beginner then stop reading this and take a look at my other review about the Derby Blades.
This is one of the sharpest and favourite blades of my collection. It is...
Derby Professional Blades
Barber's Edition
If you are using a shavette and have couple of DE blades then you have been snapping the blades in half since the very start. For casual shavers there is no real problem but for professional this can take time to snap the blades, then insert them in the blade holding mechanism and if you are unlucky then you will find that the edges where you snapped are bend and will either scratch inside the holder or will take more time to fit in.
Gillette Silver Blue (Gillette SB)
This is a very common blade among the barbers in my country. This is indeed not a blade that I would use on a daily basis unless if I like automutilation and want steel scratching my face everyday.
Those who likes multiple passes will indeed love it as your one day stubble will take two days to appear as even if it is a very rough blade it is also super sharp (as compared to my lovely 7oclock sharp edge). Due to the fact that it is very rough then...
Russian made perma sharp is a stainless blade.
P&G is the manufacturer.
Evolution of turkey perma sharp.
Is a solid blade that works well in most of razors.
Sharp and smooth blade and even long lasting are words associate to this blade.
The cost is aproximatively 100/20$