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Badger & Blade Tea Pass

Yeah, sorry guys. It took me a long time to get it. Plus the last week has been kinda crazy. I plan on sending it out tomorrow. TacoBell can you please PM me your address?
Thanks Josh.
Hope you enjoy the teas!
Weather must be cooling down quite a bit in Ontario. We have had a bit of a cooling trend on the east coast of the US due to the jet stream pushing south. It has been absolutely wonderful.

Let us know what you think of the various types of teas that you try. We look forward to hearing your impressions.

Best regards,


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I forgot where I am on the list. I hope I have new items to add by the time it gets here. It sounds as if the box is filling up quickly.
I've been sampling the Pu-erh every couple of days to get my palate tuned in to the nuances and basic tones (I'm used to various greens and oolongs...nothing quite this 'earthy'). Now that I've got a reasonable baseline, I think I'm ready to start posting my impressions on the Puerh thread. Good Stuff.

Do any of you sweeten your Puerh? I drink all coffee and most tea unsweetened and definitely without milk, but I'm just curious how you all do it.
I've been sampling the Pu-erh every couple of days to get my palate tuned in to the nuances and basic tones (I'm used to various greens and oolongs...nothing quite this 'earthy'). Now that I've got a reasonable baseline, I think I'm ready to start posting my impressions on the Puerh thread. Good Stuff.

Do any of you sweeten your Puerh? I drink all coffee and most tea unsweetened and definitely without milk, but I'm just curious how you all do it.

Good for you. I have been drinking Pu'er for about six months now. Like you I was primarily an Oolong drinker and some greens. Takes a while to adjust one's palate. I used to think the most subtle of teas was Dragonwell. I now think it is Pu'er. At first one is blown away by the cacophony of tannins and smoke, but the subtlety is the taste that come through the noise.

You may want to check out the thread SOTD. This is where most of us post our impression of the day. By in large, we drink our Pu straight up.
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Well, the tea pass is getting close to the end of the current lineup. However, there may be a few folks that did not get in on it that really wanted to participate. So, in the interest of getting more folks involved, I would like to open up the pass a bit. If you have more than 100 posts on B&B, PM me to get added to the teapass.

The current list is:
Walter Sobchak
Joshua Da Silva

Current status of the box is that it is on the way to TacoBell.
Most folks are taking some samples out of the box, putting them in baggies, putting their contribution back into the box and passing it along.

BTW, I hope to have the new store open next week. Just need to get the security mechanisms in place for secure commerce. If you would like to take a peek, the site is located at www.JAS-eTea.com. To keep folks from inadvertantly wandering in and trying to purchase something, it is currently password protected. The userid for checking it out is: guest
The password is: pu-erh
Enjoy looking around. Check out the search capability. You start typing and a drop-down menu starts to form based on what has been entered into the search box so far. It also has thumbnails of the teas. I love this feature if I do say so myself! OK, did that sound like I was bragging? Well, maybe a little bit but the software that I am using does all of the heavy lifting.

Cheers and good tea drinking,
There is an aweful lot in here. I think I need to do a little organizing.

Do you want a list of everything? Or just what I add? How do these things work?
There is an aweful lot in here. I think I need to do a little organizing.

Do you want a list of everything? Or just what I add? How do these things work?

I'd rather stay in suspense. I've been waiting this long so I can wait a bit longer.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
The box is currently at Chateau Ouch. I added another 300g from Mengyang Guoyan, Yongpinhao, CNNP, Mengku and Menghai.

Who's next?
It goes to JP next according to the last posted list.


There was mention about letting some new folks get on the list after after JP but I haven't seen any posts that enumerate a newer list.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Alrighty then. JP, pm me your address, or we'll have to skip over you.

That should panic him sufficiently. :w00t:
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