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What's the WORST beer you've ever tried?

For me it was grabbing the wrong glass off the kitchen counter as a kid. I was expecting ginger ale and got one swig of beer. My first thought was yuck and my second was "How do they drink this stuff." After that experience 35 years ago, I haven't touched the stuff. It did teach me to make sure I grab my glass and not someone else's by mistake though.
I was with a buddy slummin it one day, and I bought a tallcan of Tecate.
Oh man, I didn't see the "chile and lime" logo that is on just a quarter size of the can.
Nastiest stuff of my life. A friend didn't believe me how bad it was and took a big chug- then threw up.

I just don't get this. I love really hot food (I'm a chili head) and I love lime. Just keep them out of my beer!

Arrogant Bastard...the beer of course. That brew master deserves a punch in the throat.

Always wanted to try it. It gets GREAT reviews,


The most overblown but disappointing beer I've ever had has to be Landshark. It somehow managed to be both tasteless and bad tasting, how is that even possible?? But to hear bartenders and store owners this was supposed to be the next best thing coming up. I think Jimmy Buffet's parrot would choke on this stuff.
Genesee Ice or Old Speckled Hen

Maybe my OSH was skunked or something, but I couldn't stand it.

I've never tried Old Speckled Hen from a bottle. As a draft it's always been a decent English Pale Ale. You might have run into a bad bottle or a mistreated key. I wouldn't rank it as a "gotta have one before you die brew". But, the ones I've had have been very enjoyable. As always, YMMV.
Tiger Beer- somewhere in Asia, maybe China. One of the worst hangovers ever. They said it was made with some formaldehyde. Maybe that'll extend my life a little ;)
this incredibly nasty stuff (but oh so cheap!) called Old German. it was available in Virginia when I was in college in the early '80s. it came in brown glass bottles, which proudly stated "brewed with real artesian well water from new jersey." sometimes the labels would be on upside down, and sometimes there would be two different types of bottle in the same six pack (which went for $1.19, if I recall correctly). it tasted like apple cider that had turned but without any of the sweetness that goes along with that. kind of like a vinegary moonshine. if any still exists, it could probably be used to clean engines or cure the common cold.
I'll put my vote with those who've said Rauchbier (Aecht Schlenkerla). Tried it about 20 years ago in one of those "Beers of the World" places; it took about 10 of us to finally finish it (those were grad school days, you didn't leave a half-empty beer). It became legendary among my circle of friends as "Smokey the Beer".
Fast-forward to 3 or 4 years ago, different bar, different friends. Having tasted my share of unusual brews in the interim, I had to order it to see if it could really be as awful as I remembered (or else to prove that it was as bad as I claimed). It was worse.
Would have to be some really old cans of Heineken that were dug out of the back of my uncle's garage. Steel cans...and this was years after steel cans had been phased out. There were some bits of rust, which added texture as well as flavor.
Solbrew - the local beer of Solomon Islands, had the unfortunate experience of trying it when I was in Honiara last year.
I know this is a very popular beer, but the Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale just gives me a near fatal case of bitter beer face. I cannot get the second sip down. I think billy goat **** might be smoother (no, I haven't tried it to see...)
Arrogant Bastard...the beer of course. That brew master deserves a punch in the throat.

If you really want to gag, try the "oaked" version. I thought it was miles worse than the regular. Some people love it, but not me!!! And I usually like big, dark beers too. It was like eating a pine tree with old smokey bark mixed in.

- Badger Bill
Rogue maple bacon ale, their collaboration with voodoo doughnuts. It was a large pink bottle of disgusting. Way too much maple flavor in it.

Funny you mention this because I always wanted to try it..

even with your negative comments, I still want to!


Loves a smelly brush
Russian Baltika with the red label. One pint of it and I had the worst headache of my life. No idea why. Taste wasn't that horrible, just the feeling.

For taste, that Miller with lime in it.
While I still hold an immense distaste for the plethora of trendy overpriced poorly put-together IPA's saturating the market... I have to add another...

I got more than I bargained for when I tried Samuel Smith's Organic Raspberry Fruit Beer.

I should have known better to try a fruit flavored beer. I must have gotten a bad bottle or something.

Upon opening it, it foamed with an unstoppable boiling rage somewhere between old faithful and Mount St. Helens. The obscenity laden pandemonium that ensued is still hanging in the atmosphere somewhere... Probably poking another hole in the ozone layer if the gas released from this bottle didn't do it already.

... So I cleaned up the mess and in defeat I figured I might as well try the 1/4 of the bottle that was left. What I tasted.. tasted pretty similar to the poor life choice known to many wayward high school students in the 90s (aka MD 20/20).
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