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My going nowhere movement to ban YMMV

Should we stop using YMMV?

  • Yes, it is insanely mind numbing to see it. YMMV

  • No, it is necessary so I do not get sued. YMMV

  • What was the question? YMMV

  • Art is King. YMWNV

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I wonder if anyone would've thought of it had you not brought it upymmv Now it's all I can do not to.
Hey I have had many titles and avatars from the mods since post #300.
although adding the forbidden to my title was just harsh.
but he carries the Red Personna so I cant hate that much

but I did ban him already for it
Hey I have had many titles and avatars from the mods since post #300.
although adding the forbidden to my title was just harsh.
but he carries the Red Personna so I cant hate that much

but I did ban him already for it

John, this :thumbsup: is for you! Bwahahahaha
So in order to avoid using the phrase, which I agree tends to be annoying, I will join the campaign, but only long enough to add a disclaimer to all I post.
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