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Let's all "3017" a Stick of Arko together . starts Jan 01, 2015

what is 3017????

to exclusively ( aggressively ) use a shave soap/cream until it runs out, most commonly done by those who have a huge stockpile of shave soap/cream, who guesstimate they will run out sometime around the year 3017

edit: drats, answered while i was looking at other posts, reply wasn't loaded up when i posted :blushing:
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Lmao i will gladly join this party. But i will have to wait until sometime in February (that is when i have figured out that I will finally have any money that does not have to go to bills!)
Ordinarily, I would be in for something like this, but I 3017'd a stick of Arko a year ago. Unless you're the type that makes a really excessive amount of lather (enough for 6-8 passes), be prepared to not use another soap or cream until June.

I shave daily with soft water, and for me that would be June of 2016.
Rockviper had a thread about soaking a puck of Williams in the AS of your choice. He went with AV Ice Blue for his "Blue Willie"


I got moves like Jagger
I also added about 6-8 drops of Mama Bear's Tangerine EO (for addition to baths) to my Dr Dittmar to liven up the soap scent. It's great!
No lie, I got 60 sticks (5 cases) for Christmas. That equals bonafide cult member. All told, I have 61 sticks of Arko. Let the years (Decades?) worth of 3017 begin!

This is what happens when your parents don't understand ordering things off the internet. I only asked for 2 cases, but I sure am glad I got the other three!
No lie, I got 60 sticks (5 cases) for Christmas. That equals bonafide cult member. All told, I have 61 sticks of Arko. Let the years (Decades?) worth of 3017 begin!

This is what happens when your parents don't understand ordering things off the internet. I only asked for 2 cases, but I sure am glad I got the other three!

Holy cow. You should spread the love, PIF to a bunch of folks who haven't tried it yet!
No lie, I got 60 sticks (5 cases) for Christmas. That equals bonafide cult member. All told, I have 61 sticks of Arko. Let the years (Decades?) worth of 3017 begin!

This is what happens when your parents don't understand ordering things off the internet. I only asked for 2 cases, but I sure am glad I got the other three!
hmm that should last you.... carry the one... move over the 3... add a seven for good measure.... ehh until about 3017, congratulations! your great grandchildren now own 3 1/2 cases of vintage arko before p&g bought them out! they're rich buddy boy
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