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What's Your Favourite Ugly Duckling?

I've had the pleasure of owning lots of very nice straight razors. Most of the big names, some with fancy scales of ivory or whatever...

But when it comes to the quality of the shave, nothing has surpassed my rather plain old 7/8" Joseph Elliot Best Silver Steel. ("Big Joe") When I want a really close, comfortable, luxurious shave, Big Joe is the first razor I reach for and he never lets me down.

As a bonus, he was super easy to hone and rarely needs a touch-up.

Anyone else have a favourite ugly duckling??

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I have two.

The first is my first razor a Chas F Schmidt with a long monkey tail.
The second is a Theo A Koch Lucifer. It's in horn scales that look almost chewed. They were loose in them until I tightened them this morning, overtightened and the horn split. :crying:

Both are so patina'ed the steel is almost black. The Chas has a fold in the metal that looks like a crack going the length of the blade. I think they are gorgeous razors (especially the Koch) and wouldn't dream of polishing them. It would ruin their looks.
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Aside from the pivot pin, I wouldn't call that ugly. Plain, maybe, but not ugly. I'll have to dig to find some photos of my ugly ones...

Oh I have uglier ones!

You're quite right though. It's more "plain" than ugly. In fact, it has sort of an utilitarian beauty, like the old BMW motorbikes.

Maybe I should change the topic to "Razors that don't look like much, but shave beautifully"?

Pictures, please!

I like signs of age too. When I restore razors, I almost never go for a mirror finish. I just clean them up then concentrate on making a nice edge.

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Was actually taking one (todays SOTD with Lucifer) when the damn batteries died. They're 15min RS rechargers though so I'll have it in a few more mins.
Both those Joseph E's (Top and Bottom pic 1) are very handsome razors in my eyes.

Oh I'm liking Lucifer! Does he shave like the devil??

Only razor I've got that beats it is my WonderEdge. It goes WE > Luc > everything else I've kept. It's a lot heavier that the WE though, so it's a much more forgiving shave. WE are wickedly hollow, so if you inhale at the wrong moment they'll nick ya.
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WE are wickedly hollow, so if you inhale at the wrong moment they'll nick ya.

Yeah, I have razors like that. Great shavers, but you really have to pay attention.

What I love about Big Joe is that I can practically shave with him in my sleep. Very comfortable and forgiving. Yet he's very very sharp. (Easily passes HHT from toe to heel.)
To be honest, I haven't shaved with either in a looooong time. I rarely shave with my own razors because I am usually test shaving. Actually, pretty much my whole rotation needs to get re-finished now that I have better hands and hones. Some of "my" razors haven't even been honed to shave ready yet...

All work and no play...
Here's an ugly mother for ya. A very (I think) old Wade & Butcher. The entire blade looked like the dark spot on the tang when I got it. I had to leave that part of the tang like it is to save the maker's mark, what there is left of it. Been working on the edge a while and he is almost ready to test shave, still have some heal and toe work to do.
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