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๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿ’Ž SOTD - โ€œUnknown Gems" Theme Week - May 20th-26th, 2024 ๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿ’Ž

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Razor: Schick G1
Blade: Schick (12)
Brush: Yaqi Arctic
Pre: Stirling soap
Soap: Stirling Piacenza
Aftershave: Witch Hazel - Stirling Piacenza

Brush: Varlet โ€œBeehive Emerald/Goldโ€ 29mm HD Hybrid, this is my favorite Varlet handle & knot
Blade: Timor (2)
Soap: GD โ€œVetiver โ€œ Aion Maxima, my favorite of the Aion Maxima soaps
Razor: WR2 Ti SB 1.25 w/ Timeless Ti Crown ๐Ÿ‘‘ Handle, still the reigning champion



This shave was perfection!!!!



Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
SE Sunday, May 26th 2024

Razor : Yaqi Excalibur SE 50mm with a Yaqi Milano 316 SSP handle. Mfg 2021>, tame mid range. Small head parts makes using a wash cloth to assemble a little easier. This is a affordable entry razor head to try AC type blades IMO. I usually get decent shaves with this razor. Had a close comfortable shave this morning.
Blade : Schick proline (5) sharp and smooth with reasonable longevity.
Soap : Ach Brito Lavanda cream, very nice scent of Lavender + uplifting with excellent lather qualities.
Brush : Yaqi "Viper" 24mm boar bristle brush. Excellent lather generator, soft split end bristle hairs, nice splay scrubber + great lather painter.
Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
Post shave : Ach Brito Lavanda cologne aftershave + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
Results : Dial 9.5.jpg or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=:a17: Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Yaqi Excalibur SE 50mm with a Schick proline blade.
SOTD May 26 2024.jpg

Have some great shaves!
May 26, 2024 Sunday shave

Razor: Karve Overlander, brass
Blade: Personna Lab Blue (2)
Soap: Barrister and Mann Le Grand Chypre
Brush: Paladin Tut STF (2)
Bowl: Captain's Choice Heavyweight copper
Post shave: Barbero alum block, Thayer's Witch Hazel
Aftershave: Aqua Velva Ice Blue

It was a three pass shave of two days growth. Using the best of the best, all the players in the shave were terrific, yeilding a perfect shave. No weepers, etc. and no irritation. The Tut/STF brush is a wonderful brush, one I truly enjoy using. It is an "unknown gem".

Have a great weekend!

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Sunday 26th of May 2024: the SOTD that happened yesterday
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1930's Laurel Vest Pocket open comb
BIC Chrome Platinum (2)
TOBS Royal Forest shaving cream
Proraso Green AS
Old synthetic Wilkinson brush

A couple of days ago, I used a BIC blade for the very first time. I used the Gillette Tech. Initially I thought it was a great shave, but I did end up with some irritation. So it would be logical to use an even milder razor the next time, wouldn't it?

So it's only natural that I put the blade in my old Laurel Vest Pocket open comb razor. The original handle is very short, so for a bit more control I use the ball-end handle of the Tech. I often compare the Laurel to a grumpy old granddad; you can have a great time with him but don't aggrevate him or he will start to grumble!

The same applies to the Laurel. A nice razor which is able to give a great and comfortable shave but don't mess up the angle or it will bite!

The result was similar to the shave with the Tech: BBS but with some irritation.

Razor: Schick G8 Injector Razor
Blade: Schick Injector
Brush: Badlands Shaving 395 Color Run, synthetic
Lather: Truefitt & Hill Grafton
Aftershave: Truefitt and Hill Grafton Aftershave Balm
Additional Care:
Thayers Facial Tonic Witch Hazel Unscented
Imperial Leather Talcum Powder
Sunday Morning Shave Soiree

Parker Solo Edge in SE Mode with the modified Feather AC blade. Second shave and it's sooo
much better.

Parker Solo Edge Razor
Feather Pro Light AC Blade (2X)
RazoRock Green Label Shave Stick
Frank Shaving G5 Brush
Citrus Musk Splash On

Bleu de Chanel Aftershave Balm

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