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Help me choose a stainless razor set

I've been busy since the beginning of my wetshaving journey and have gotten to experience a wide variety of razors and blades.

Hands down, my favorite blade is Polsilver so I'm looking for a stainless system that works well paired with them.

Secondly, my favorite performing razors are the following: Futur at 6.5 maxed, Merkur 37C slant and the Weber PH. I prefer razors that are best when used nearly parallel to my skin because I find them easiest to use while shaving my head and face. So given these parameters, what is a similar shaving stainless razor system? I like aggressive yet comfortable.

It's a toss up between the Titan Atlas R1/H1, IKons, and whatever else is out there.

Thanks guys!
I've heard the OC is very mild; however, I've also heard that about the Weber and I think it's perfect.

Anyone else?
It's a toss up between the Titan Atlas R1/H1, IKons, and whatever else is out there.

Thanks guys!

Feather SS gets my vote. I myself have the D1, some people think this is too mild, however I would describe the razor as smooth and effective, I've hear the D2 is more aggressive. The AS-D1 is stunning and offers great quality and ergonomics.
I have both and find that the OC is slightly more efficient than the Weber.

No kidding.

I love the look of all the stainless razors so this is gonna be tough.

My concern for the Feather is I've heard you need to be very aware of blade angle while shaving. This is not easy to do while shaving the back of your head.
I've really been wanting to try the Tradere. To me, it's a good looking razor and I haven't read any bad reviews about it.
You have the Weber, are you just looking for a second SS? If so, I would recommend the iKon OC. I think it's aggression is somewhat similar to the Weber, but more efficient. I haven't tried any ATT, but they are coming out with an OC.

My current SS family--iKon OC/OSS Handle; Weber PH/Wave Handle; IKon Slant/Weber Classic Handle.

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