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Omega 30005 Boar Brush

Item Description

This brush is available at most of the Shoppers Drug Marts in Toronto. It was the second boar brush after my Wilkinson, and works a whole lot better.

Price - 14.99. This brush will last years and for the price it is a bargain.

Quality - As far as I have seen, it retains a great amount of water and has shed no hairs as far as I can recall. The handle is a lot heavier than my Tweezerman and feels great in the hand.

Density - The hairs are packed relatively close together.

Stiffness of tips - I prefer soaps, and this brush picks up a decent amount of soap in a short amount of time - and does not waste any of it. Great for face lathering.

Softness of tips - While it is stiff enough to pick up the soap, it also is soft enough to feel luxurious on the face.

Ergonomic - As mentioned, the handle has a great weight to it, and feels well crafted - not hollow or cheap.

Latherability - It lathers up a storm with cheap soaps and expensive soaps - it just takes a bit of modification depending on the soap. With creams it is a little bit slower to build something up but I have only tried palm lathering and only with one kind of cream.

Latest reviews

I've owned many expensive badger brushes from all the main makers, including the Stubby and Chubby models.

I find this little brush provides a very, very similar face feel to the Stubby 2, for a fraction of the cost.

It's remarkable!

I prefer this brush to all the Semogues I've tried, and that includes the LE 2009 , which I found too large.

This brush is perfect for face lathering, is stiff, good backbone, yet with softer tips than any Semogue I've tried, even the LE. It also has a very comfortable handle. The photos do not do this brush justice.

A complete and utter bargain and a highly overlooked gem.

5.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
4.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
4.00 star(s)
Found what I was looking for...
A stiffish but still comfortable brush that is inexpensive with good ergonomics and lather-ability.
I use a shave cream and face lather and this brush works great. It quickly gets up a good lather with the bristles massaging the 2 day growth whiskers standing them up a bit.
A pleasure to use, would definitely buy again.

(funny, there is a chance I bought it from the same store as Bman (review above), I am from the same city)
5.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
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Softness of Tips
2.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
4.00 star(s)
I found this brush at my local Shopper's in Richmond BC.

It was next to a white plastic handled model, and I hemmed and hawed for about a month before I pulled the trigger on the wooden handle. The handle design and ergonomics on the wood are just so much better than the plastic handle.

I have used it off and on for about two months and I can say that this is an excellent brush for the price. I have been using badger hair brushes (knots from the Golden Nib in my own handles) since I started DE shaving, and I wish I had considered the Omega brushes earlier in the game.

This brush lathers really well with both soaps and creams, and it improves after each shave, as the tips continue to split and soften.

If you live in Canada, and are near a Shopper's, you really should swing by and pick one up - less than $15 and its a steal. *If you are in BC, you can also pick up Proraso pre/post, Proraso cream, white and green soaps, Old Spice, Aqua Velva and Brut (I'll pass on the latter, however - BAARF:lol:)

5.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
3.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
2.00 star(s)

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