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It's his best novel. Dostoevsky is not for everyone, and you have to get used to his writing, but he is absolutely genius. You just have to go with the flow, and new worlds will open before you.

Finished it up last night and overall I really liked it in spite of my complaints. You're right, he was a genius. I can't think of many authors that are better at setting a scene. It just gets a little tedious to me.

I actually preferred Crime and Punishment to the Brothers Karamazov. The Gambler is next on my Dostoevsky list, but it will be a while. I need to get in a few mindless indulgences first.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Now, I'm reading "The Vatican Diaries" by John Thavis! :thumbsup:

'Thavis, who covered the Vatican for 30 years as a journalist, has written an insider’s account chronicling some of the people, issues, and scandals that have made headlines over the years. The press hasn’t always been flattering, nor are some of the details Thavis recounts, such as the Vatican’s inaction when repeatedly apprised of allegations of sexual abuse (ect...). Though sympathetic to the Church, Thavis doesn't stray very far from his journalistic roots.

He presents the facts, leaving the editorial conclusions to be drawn by the reader. Although much of the book’s content will be of most interest to Catholics, the chapter titled "Sex", which addresses condoms, AIDS, and homosexuality, will surely command a wider audience. In the end, we are left with a more nuanced understanding of the Vatican, an institution Thavis describes as "marked more by human flair and fallibility than ruthless efficiency".



Read More: http://www.amazon.com/Vatican-Diaries-Behind-Scenes-Personalities/dp/0670026719

"Reading is to mind what exercise is to the body. Joseph Addison
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I'm spending most of my time studying THE TEMPEST as I'll be playing Prospero later this summer. When not doing that I've been bouncing between TAKE THE CANNOLI by Sarah Vowell and the three GOOD EATS books by Alton Brown.
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