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Weak lather on Abbate y la Mantia soaps/creams

Hello everyone!
Have you tried different Abbate y la Mantia soaps?
What are your thoughts on their lather?

Recently purchased a soap from them called "Monet". Not quite sure what the problem is, but it seems to produce quite a frail lather and also lubrication is weak at best. Also presents the aspect of a slight airy foam. Peaks are hard to conjure of course 🫠

Haven't changed my lathering technique at all: scoop product, bloom 1 min in bowl, create lather with half wet brush, add water of needed. This method is efficient with all other soaps I've used so far, where I get loads of thick lather. I've also tried adding more cream in the beginning in the mixture, ending up still with an unsatisfying cream.

Have any of you guys had any problems with other soaps from AYLM?
Issue somewhat solved.
First of all, after following the given advice, realized that the soap needed more and more and much more water. It's a pretty thirsty rascal 😀
Second of all, when getting the craved lather volume, still found the actual lather to be airy for my taste. Attempted doing peaks, but they were a bit disappointing as well.
And third of all, it provides little slickness, the lubrication being weak, aspect with which I am kind of at peace, considering it's an all vegan soap.
Thanks again for the advice, guys!
Much appreciated 👍
And third of all, it provides little slickness, the lubrication being weak, aspect with which I am kind of at peace, considering it's an all vegan soap.

I don't remember the Garibaldi lacking in slickness. Maybe it's your water or maybe you just need more practice with that soap. Best of luck figuring it out.
Hey! Any more updates? I find that with AYLM it goes on like a cream, and it's not really voluminous. It clings to my face and works best if I add more and more water.
Have you been able to get it to work? For me the post-shave feel is the best of my soaps.
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