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Captain's Choice - Sampling the soaps and creams

I was one of the three lucky recipients of a $50 credit for shopping at the Captain's Choice store - thanks Scott aka @Captain Pre-Capsize! I decided to use this to get samples of his soaps and creams to see how well both types work for me and also to be able to see what each of the 8 scents smell like. I received the samples yesterday:


Just so you know, they are 1/4oz and are tiny clamshells, but he has jam packed them. I am hoping they have about 7 or so uses each.

Some background on my soap history - when I first started last October I tried some el cheapo soaps from Amazon and they were crap. I read a lot about Stirling soaps so I tried them and had great results so I bought many samples and some full tubs and essentially use only that. I was looking at branching out to others to try soon, TOBS and Geo F Trumper and such, but since I won this PIF, I figured why not sample these first. So, my comparisons to other soaps will be against Stirling, but I will mostly be comparing between the Cap's selections.

I have 3 brushes (I know, pitiful by a number of member standards!), a Shavemac with 24mm G5C (fan) synth knot, a Razor Rock Barber 24mm (bulb) synth, and Zenith 24mm (fan) boar.

I face lather, and that is how my testing will go.

I get great lather results with both of the synths. Not so much with the boar. It is broken in, but I just haven't been able to dial in the lathering with it yet (which annoys me to no end). I am hoping to see if the Cap soaps/creams give me better results with this one.

My original plan is to try one soap/scent for 3 shaves, using each of the brushes, then the same scent in the cream for 3 shaves. After that I will switch to a new scent pair.

The first thing I noticed when opening up the clamshell of the soap is that it seemed extremely soft. Now, Stirling soap is malleable soft but can maintain firmness. This was sticky soft. I thought that maybe it was cream put in there by accident, so I opened up the cream and that was even softer (as it was cream). I checked the other soaps and they were the same. Perhaps the soap softened up in the heat during the shipping? I took the soap and put it in the fridge for a bit. It was firmer after taking it out, but once it got up to room temperature it was just as soft as it was originally. So, this is a very creamy croap.

Since I was going to face lather, I needed to take it out of the clamshell and put it into something that can take a brush, so I scooped all of it out and put it into a small aluminum tin. You can see about how much came with it based on this pic, as well as the size of the sample container:

My first test was today with Lime. It's summer (unless you are in the southern hemisphere), so might as well go with some fruity citrus.

Now for the scent. The description indicates a "cheerful, refreshing lime scent" and "an invigorating, citrusy scent". I will say that I can smell lime in it. But I wouldn't classify it as OMG THIS IS LIME! It's there, but I would lean more towards a lime-forward citrusy scent. It is pleasing but in an average way. The scent was not overpowering or weak.

I used the Shavemac Synth. This is a rather firm brush. When loading I made sure not to use much pressure since the soap is so soft and yet it ended up pushing the soap out to the edges of the tin. I did my usual load and face lathered. This is where things were very different between the Cap and Stirling. Stirling is thirsty as hell, and you can keep adding water until the cows come home. This soap, not so much. I am not sure if perhaps I didn't load enough (due to it pushing the soap out of the way in the tin) or that it just needs a greater loading, but the lather that formed wasn't as dense or thick and rich. It also started dissipating rather quickly and had to add more during each pass. That is something I haven't had with Stirling. However, it seemed to be slick enough and I decided to go ahead and shave.

The shave today was the second shave of a Treet Dura Sharp blade in my Progress. I was able to get my 3 passes in and the shave was DFS+, but I could tell that I wasn't getting the typical comfort of shave I was used to. I did experience facial irritation throughout the day - not red razor burn, just an irritation. I am not sure if it was due to the thinner lather not providing enough "cushion", or even perhaps it is the citrus (I don't know if it is essential oil or just fragrance). While I did have to scrub harder to lather it up, I can usually scrub with this brush for quite a while without it bothering me.

I can see if the next brush, which is softer, can do better tomorrow. Perhaps it can pick up more soap without pushing it all away? We'll see.
I'm a fan of boar brushes, so I'm sure you can get the hang of this. Try letting your boar brush soak in warm water for at least five or ten minutes before shaving. Let most of the water drain out, but leave it a bit wet. Load your soap with light pressure, let it take as long as it needs to so that the tips are saturated with soap. Don't grind the brush into the soap, let the brush pick up the soap gradually. Now, begin face lathering.

The most common problem is not loading enough soap. You can always load less next time if you go overboard.
I'm a fan of boar brushes, so I'm sure you can get the hang of this. Try letting your boar brush soak in warm water for at least five or ten minutes before shaving. Let most of the water drain out, but leave it a bit wet. Load your soap with light pressure, let it take as long as it needs to so that the tips are saturated with soap. Don't grind the brush into the soap, let the brush pick up the soap gradually. Now, begin face lathering.

The most common problem is not loading enough soap. You can always load less next time if you go overboard.
This is what I do, and I also load more (at least timewise and swirl-wise) than I would if using a synthetic. However, if it turns out that I can only get a decent lather with a boar brush by having to double up on the amount of soap that I use with a synth, then using a boar brush doesn't make sense. However, I am not giving up on the boar yet.
Well you won.🏆, you made great choice.

If I had won I would have got a Captains Copper Bowl.
Ah, got it. Yeah, since I don't bowl lather, I figured sampling the soaps/creams would make sense. And I don't really use aftershave, so that was out. If I did bowl lather, then I probably would have gotten a copper bowl. 🙂
Shave #2 - Lime Soap, Razorock Barber 24 synth brush

I had pressed the soap back more into the middle of the tin, but even with this softer brush the soap ended up being pushed back out to the edges - this is a REALLY soft soap. I loaded the brush with more soap than I did for the previous shave and was able to get more lather out of it. It still wasn't as dense as I usually get with Stirling, and there was some slight dissipation, but less so than last time. More soap is required I think, and I guess I am not loading as well as I think I am due to the shifting of the product in the tin. But, on to the shave...

Today's shave was with a Treet Dura Sharp blade (use #3) in the Progress. The shave went well, and the soap seemed to provide enough slickness. Not much to complain about and I got a DFS+ shave with the 3 passes. I had less irritation afterwards than yesterday which I am chalking up to having more lather providing protection.

3 uses of a blade and time to dispose of it. While changing the blade for my shave tomorrow I noticed that I had the Progress set to 4.5 instead of the usual 4. I did this on the first shave with this blade to see if I could get a closer shave and I was using Stirling soap for that one. I had no irritation from that shave, but I think it might be due to the Stirling soap lather giving more "cushion". Until I dial in the proper lathering for the Cap, I will make sure that I have it set to 4.
Congratulations, @Hawkweber!! What a great selection of CC Soaps!! I love the scent of Italia, Venture and 45th Parallel and have used synth brushes to lather the Captain's Soaps. I'm a scooper/presser (scoop out some soap, press into a lathering bowl) and, once you get things dialed in, CC Soap will give you very good performance.
This is what I do, and I also load more (at least timewise and swirl-wise) than I would if using a synthetic. However, if it turns out that I can only get a decent lather with a boar brush by having to double up on the amount of soap that I use with a synth, then using a boar brush doesn't make sense. However, I am not giving up on the boar yet.

Just trying to be helpful with the boar brushes, since I'm a fan of them. I'm not sure boars really require a lot more soap than synths, it might be that many boars are larger brushes, which naturally require more soap. You're doing a good thing IMO using the 24mm size. It's just a common observation that many people don't use enough soap and they get better results with more. Break-in for a boar is probably not done until it's been used around fifty times!

Some soaps I've found work well with the boars include most of the Italian soft soaps, as well as harder soaps such as MWF, Tabac, Haslinger and Speick. The CC soaps seem like a good match for synth brushes.
Just trying to be helpful with the boar brushes, since I'm a fan of them. I'm not sure boars really require a lot more soap than synths, it might be that many boars are larger brushes, which naturally require more soap. You're doing a good thing IMO using the 24mm size. It's just a common observation that many people don't use enough soap and they get better results with more. Break-in for a boar is probably not done until it's been used around fifty times!

Some soaps I've found work well with the boars include most of the Italian soft soaps, as well as harder soaps such as MWF, Tabac, Haslinger and Speick. The CC soaps seem like a good match for synth brushes.
I appreciate the helpful comments and if it came across as anything other than that then I am sorry. The boar brush has been used quite a number of times:
(boar on the left, G5C synth on the right - they actually fan out the same size but the handle on the synth is smaller so it looks smaller from the top down view)

I will use the boar with the CC soap tomorrow.
Try a mix of the lime and bay rum :) I did mine 1:1 to start and found I liked it better than either on its own :) of course this is all so personal :)
Shave #3 - Lime Soap, Zenith 24mm boar brush

It is time to test with the boar brush, which I have not had much success with even with Stirling soaps. For this I loaded for twice the amount of time I did previously with the synths, and honestly got about the same type of lather as before. Even dipped back into the tin to add some more, so it probably increased the lather a bit, but it still was thin.

Today's shave was with a new Gillette Silver Blue in the Progress set to 4. The shave went well, DFS+, with minimal irritation, so that is a plus.

Up to this point, I haven't been too impressed with the lathering of this soap. However, as I was removing the soap from the tin to put back into its sample clamshell to make way for the next soap, I noticed that only about 1/4 of it was used. I was thinking that with the amount supplied I should get about 6 or 7 shaves out of it (assuming approximately 1g per shave), so I should have used close to half of the sample. I have had issues with the softness of the soap allowing it to be pushed to the edges of the tin when loading and I guess it just wasn't getting enough and this might be the cause of the problem. I will have to rethink the soap loading method and might have to - GASP! - bowl lather. I would prefer not to, but if I can't keep it from "running away" from the brush in the tin then that might be the only option for a good test.

However, I have 3 more days to think about that as I will now move on to the Lime cream. I plan on scooping out small amounts and dabbing them on my face and then working it into a lather from there. This should avoid a brush loading issue.
Shave #4 - Lime Cream, Shavemac 24mm G5C Synth

Ok - time to try the shave cream, still in Lime. As I mentioned previously, I scooped out small amounts and dabbed them on my cheeks and neck. Then went to town with the brush. I had better results with the cream, and most likely the amount used, but it still wasn't close to being as thick/dense as the Stirling. I probably could use more of the cream, and I will do so with tomorrow's shave.

Interestingly, the strength of the scent was more powerful than the soap and the lime was more pronounced. Could be due to the increased amount of the cream used or it just releases the scent better?

However, that being said, today's shave was with a brand-new Gillette Silver Blue blade in the Weber SS. While the lather was a bit more defined than the cream, it seemed to dry out more, which was odd as I thought I had it well hydrated, and I got a weeper on the neck where it just lost slickness. Nothing too bad - alum block took care of that. No other major irritation to speak of. DFS+ shave.

I really need to dial in this soap/cream proportions.
Will be interesting which one ya like or if ya notice much between the cream and soap :)
I prefer the cream big time over the soap
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