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Can Great Lather be Generated from Any Reasonable Quality Shaving Soap or Cream?


The Lather Maestro
That’s why I asked Phil to retitle my threads. I was never trying to lay out a foolproof “method”, but rather give folks having problems with a product to sort them out, THEN find the method they like to use.

I don’t disagree with you on hard soaps. See here for explanation.

I’m actually agnostic on how people lather their soaps. But if they are having issues, my process is a foolproof method to sort them out.
Can I add the opposite idea, that you can make bad lather from any soap?
Was in a hurry and added too much water to SV after loading brush and bowl lathered. Awful! Would hav3 have put me off the wonderful sv if it was my first time.


The Lather Maestro
@Roy :lol: Oh yes, I've made my share of bad lather.

That's exactly why I do this process with every new (to me) soap I try. I don't want to miss a gem of a soap because I don't understand it enough to lather it properly. Everyone here has made plenty of bad lather, I'm sure. That's how you get to learn to make good lather.

But the differences in shave lather products is so remarkably wide I think everyone should use this process (not method!) with every new lather product before they try to judge it. It's not really about the lather method one uses, it's about understanding the soap and its properties.
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