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The BRGAS (Back Roads Gold Appreciation Society)


I shaved a fortune
I have a few Vintage razors I’ll be sending Chris in a couple months. I’m probably going to have him re-plate my Bayonetta in his 24K hardened gold as well. Two of the Vintage Gillettes are gold wash so I think I’ll end up with 3 golds and one mirror nickel. Doing one order should reduce the shipping costs.


Ditto, ditto
Beautiful Mirror Nickel replate on my 1912.



I shaved a fortune

I'm looking forward to getting the 4 razors I sent Chris back in my hands... He had a problem with my Y2 SuperSpeed... It looks like it had been re-plated by someone previously and the plating peeled off when he cleaned it....

He also let me know this morning... the 1933 Canada NEW Regent Long Comb must be semi-rare. It's the first one he's ever seen in the over 10,000 razors he's re-plated. That's sort of cool.


I shaved a fortune
My photos don't do these razors justice but here are a couple photos of the 4 razors Chris did for me.

Left to right:

1. GoodFellasSmile Bayonetta (24K hardened gold)
2. 1934 NEW Red Black Short Comb (24K hardened gold)
3. 1933? NEW Canada Regent Long Comb (24K hardened gold)
4. 1953 Y2 SuperSpeed (white platinum) birth year and quarter



I only have a few Vintage razors, but I'd trust him with any razor I have that requires/needs re-plating. I have limited experience, so factor that in, but these 4 razors look like factory fresh, as if this was the original design/plating.

Thank you, Chris....
So here's a question for the group ....
I have a C1 1957 Gillette Super Speed I bought awhile back that looks pristine. Simply a beautiful razor.
But it shaves terribly, the only one of my 6 vintage Super Speeds that is so afflicted. I was puzzled so gave it a closer look and it appears the head is slightly cocked and that one of the butterfly doors doesn't close completely. It isn't hugely noticeable. I had to compare it to my other Super Speeds and really eyeball it to even notice it. So it's a minor flaw but just enough to render the shave less than ideal. As we all know, even a few thousandths of an inch can make a big difference with a shave.
So my question is this: I know Chris does wonderful plating but does he also do tune-ups that might turn this apparently dropped Flare Tip into a sweet shaver again? Is he able to do some bending/twisting/turning/whatever to get that razor right again?
Thanks in advance,

So here's a question for the group ....
I have a C1 1957 Gillette Super Speed I bought awhile back that looks pristine. Simply a beautiful razor.
But it shaves terribly, the only one of my 6 vintage Super Speeds that is so afflicted. I was puzzled so gave it a closer look and it appears the head is slightly cocked and that one of the butterfly doors doesn't close completely. It isn't hugely noticeable. I had to compare it to my other Super Speeds and really eyeball it to even notice it. So it's a minor flaw but just enough to render the shave less than ideal. As we all know, even a few thousandths of an inch can make a big difference with a shave.
So my question is this: I know Chris does wonderful plating but does he also do tune-ups that might turn this apparently dropped Flare Tip into a sweet shaver again? Is he able to do some bending/twisting/turning/whatever to get that razor right again?
Thanks in advance,

I think your best bet would be to email him and ask. He does have a separate tune-up service option and he checks out and tunes up all the razors beforehand also if he replates them. I'd trust any razor with Chris and if it can be fixed I'd bet he can do it. Everything he's done for me has been fantastic. He's a true Master!
I think your best bet would be to email him and ask. He does have a separate tune-up service option and he checks out and tunes up all the razors beforehand also if he replates them. I'd trust any razor with Chris and if it can be fixed I'd bet he can do it. Everything he's done for me has been fantastic. He's a true Master!
Thanks! That sounds like a plan. :thumbsup:
My three British heavyweights, the 68g Red tip rocket, 71g HD500, and 72g 1949 Aristocrat Junior. Will probably paint the red tip and every other vintage red tip I own now. My pictures will be later so wife doesn’t think I’m nuts. Getting time for another group picture too, can make a fort out of my Backroadsgold boxes. Most excited about the HD500 as one safety bar was bent down but even just using the “good” side could tell this model lives up to its reputation as being something special, moreso than even the Hybrid Tech.
He’s done numerous adjustments for me on many of the razors I’ve replated. I think I may be one of his pickier customers but he’s done well everytime.

Also checkout his Etsy (he’s having a sale now) sometimes something stands out and it’s worth trying to see how much you can put into one purchase.
Excellent! I appreciate the feedback.
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