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💎 💎 💎 SOTD - “Unknown Gems" Theme Week - May 20th-26th, 2024 💎 💎 💎

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Pre-shave: cold water splash / YBN Glycerin
Razor: DSC V92 brass, parallel cap
Blade: Suneko Amorphous Diamond
Brush: Arno Brush, 26 mm Classic #12, Gen5 synthetic
Bowl: DSC scuttle
Soap: Smoking Monster - Golden Dragon (tallow)
A/S: Murphy & McNeil - Magh Tured Aftershave balm
Aftercare: Thayers Witch Hazel Unscented / Aloe Vera Gel
EdP: Tom Ford - Lost Cherry

A fewer lesser known actors in today's DFS. The Suneko blade is relatively new to the scene, but has been extensively discussed on this hallowed forum. It is a surprisingly good blade given the low price.

The Arno brush isn't a brush often seen in the SOTD threads, it is however an excellent lather producer. I'm regularly surprised how quick I am able to achieve a perfect lather, irrespective of the soap or cream I am using on that particular day.

And, finally Smoking Monster shaving soaps. Almost impossible to find any information on this soap. This particular one doesn't even have an official name. The artisan hasn't given one to this soap nor has he determined an English name for it, believe me I asked them. So I shall dub thee: Golden Dragon. Aside from the lack of a name, this soap is amazing. It is unscented, has only a few ingredients and lathers like crazy. It's also one of the few soaps which is tallow based.

Lovely mid-week shave with a few lesser known team players.

Have a great rest of the week, everyone!


Check Out Chick
Staff member

1) Portugal: Brush Semogue Hereditas Boar.
2) Turkey: Shaving Soap Derby.
3) England: Razor Gillette Four Piece Tech.
4) Russia: Razor Blade Voskhod.
5) France: Alum Block Osma.
6) Poland: Aftershave Balm Nivea Men Sensitive Skin and Stubble Balm.
7) Spain: EDT Adidas Ice Dive.

I decided to revisit my first brush and my first Tech today. These are not unknown or gems. 😄 ...nor favourites, but they work well enough 🙃

Gillette Tech (Made in France, I guess '60s?)
Personna Lab Blue (3)
nom Gustav brush
Proraso Blue pre-shave
Proraso White shaving cream
Thayers Unscented witch hazel
Brut aftershave
Valobra Menthol
Vie-Long 13052
11/16 Puma #91
Tony Miller 3" Steerhide Strop
Mennan Skin Bracer
Nivea Sensitive Balm
Penhaligon's Juniper Sling

Chiseled Face Santa Paula
Shavemac Silver Tip
Schick M1 Adjustable Injector Razor
Parker Injector Razor Blade (8)
Lucky Tiger After Shave & Face Tonic
Reef Point Admiralty Balm
Acqua di Parma Bergamotto di Calabria

Wednesday Morning Shaving Wanderlust

Goodbye SHADE, Hello SE. A little snip off the edge of the Injector blade and it fits
perfectly. What a difference in feel with a stiff injector blade edge. Even these crappy
Ted Pella's did great. Taconic Lime is fantastic for a hot day.

Parker Solo Edge Razor
Ted Pella Injector Blade (1X) - Modified
Taconic Lime Shave Soap
Frank Shaving G7 Brush
Citrus Musk Splash On

4711 Echt Kolnisch Wasser

Wednesday 22nd of May - First SOTD here

20240522 SOTD-Tech-TOBS-Proraso-BIC Chrome Platinum.jpg

1951 Gillette Tech Ball-end
BIC Chrome Platinum (1)
TOBS Royal Forest shaving cream
Proraso Green AS
Old synthetic Wilkinson brush

My first SOTD shared here. Also the first time I used a BIC Chrome Platinum blade. During the shave I thought it was a very good blade: audible feedback but I didn't feel the blade.

I did sprung a couple of leaks though and also the alum didn't lie: the aftermath was a bit less comfortable then the initial shave. My neck is a bit irritated but that probably won't take too long.

I think my technique is to blame. I only started wetshaving a couple of months ago and I think I rode the guard of the Tech too much this time.

The blade certainly deserves a retry though as it was a BBS shave.

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
DE SOTD, Wednesday, May 22nd 2024

Razor : Razorock 2nd Generation Lupo.72. Mfg 2021, mid range. Excellent machining and finish for my shaving needs. I always get decent shaves with this razor 95%+ of the time. Had a close comfortable shave this morning!
Blade : GSB(4) sharp and smoooth with reasonable longevity. Top tier!
Soap : Cyril R Salter Wild Rose cream. Nice rose scented cream with excellent lather qualities.
Brush : Yaqi "Mysterious space" 24mm 3band silvertip badger. Excellent lather generator, luxury pillow like soft tips, luxury splay scrubber + great lather painter.
Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
Post shave : Italian barber Amici splash with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
Results : Dial 9.5.jpg or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=:a17: Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my RR Lupo.72 with a GSB blade.
SOTD May 22 2024.jpg

Have some great shaves!
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