(For those of you who don't know, the thread I'm referencing in the title is this http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/288704-Minimalist-May)
Besides my ravenous den raiding shave on the 1st, I've been using the same shave setup for the past week without even realizing it or even planning it. It just dawned on me this morning and I was like "Woah, am I a shaving monogamist now?" I think a den clearing may be in the future...Price, it would seem that your ideas are contagious! Anyone else in Minimalist May have this happen too?
Besides my ravenous den raiding shave on the 1st, I've been using the same shave setup for the past week without even realizing it or even planning it. It just dawned on me this morning and I was like "Woah, am I a shaving monogamist now?" I think a den clearing may be in the future...Price, it would seem that your ideas are contagious! Anyone else in Minimalist May have this happen too?