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Fruity February — With One Day More In 2024



Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
One Blade In Fruity February

Tonight’s decadent shave
RazoRock JAWS 0.84
Loi Titanium (1)
Damp facecloth aka “shave binky”
AP ShaveCo Dinosaur G5C 28mm synthetic brush
Pre-shave: warm shower
Lather: Cella, bowl-loaded; face-lathered
Aftershave: Ulm Nom
Post-shave: face wash with shave binky
Post-shave: mentholated Equate moisturizer

Fresh blade. Skimmed over lemony ARKO! off the cap and melted away lots of whiskers and the same spot on my upper lip from a few shaves ago (fine now). Patchwork results. This razor; if not all safety razors skimming over my idiot hide; should be used neutral at the shallowest. Feeling either the lonesome blade edge or the jovial teeth of the com mean good things for my skin. I do hope I remember next time. And hope I remember to use that Opuntia sample for the bergamot pineapple goodness.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
One Blade In Fruity February

Last night’s steeply satisfying shave
RazoRock JAWS 0.84
Loi Titanium (2)
Damp facecloth aka “shave binky”
AP ShaveCo Dinosaur G5C 28mm synthetic brush
Pre-shave: warm shower
Lather: SV Opuntia sample, bowl-loaded; face-lathered
Aftershave: Ulm Nom
Post-shave: face wash with shave binky
Post-shave: Equate moisturizer

Pressed a tiny bit of an SV soap sample from a friend into the bottom of my soap-loading bowl. The resulting lather held its water longer, make my skin more supple, and seemed slicker than my standard serving of ARKO! and its Aventus-themed fragrance was fruitier, too! Mostly steep and occasionally blade-feelingest neutral, my razor went all ATG until I reached the spot on my upper lip where I recently gave myself boo-boos. At that sole spot, a little WTG and alternating XTG movements did the job. Using another SV sample next time, too.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
One Blade In Fruity February

Tonight’s steeply satisfying shave
RazoRock JAWS 0.84
Loi Titanium (3)
Damp facecloth aka “shave binky”
AP ShaveCo Dinosaur G5C 28mm synthetic brush
Pre-shave: warm shower
Lather: SV 70th sample, bowl-loaded; face-lathered
Aftershave: Ulm Nom
Post-shave: face wash with shave binky
Post-shave: Equate moisturizer

My first SV Saturday and it’s in Fruity February, too! A comfortable, close, and timely shave was had. #Sublime


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
One Blade In Fruity February

Last night’s nicely neutral shave
Karve brass Overlander
Loi Titanium (4)
Damp facecloth aka “shave binky”
AP ShaveCo Dinosaur G5C 28mm synthetic brush
Pre-shave: warm shower
Lather: ARKO!, bowl-loaded; face-lathered
Aftershave: Ulm Nom
Post-shave: face wash with shave binky
Post-shave: Equate moisturizer

Viva la difference! When I used this blade/razor combo. it was with very minimal prep and was a wee bit of a fight. After a warm shower, the same combo melted through most of my whiskers. The brass has been reacting with me and/or the water and the lusciously, lemony ARKO! spared me.
It's been rainy and chilly here for the last week. I needed to use something bright to fight off the gloominess. Went with one of my few citrus scents that also fits colder weather. One of my favorites, B&M Nordost.

Timeless Ti .68 oc
Personna Lab Blue
Muhle STF 21mm
B&M Nordost
Timeless Lather Bowl


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
One Blade In Fruity February

Last night’s nicely neutral shave
Karve brass Overlander
Loi Titanium (5)
Damp facecloth aka “shave binky”
AP ShaveCo Dinosaur G5C 28mm synthetic brush
Pre-shave: warm shower
Lather: ARKO!, bowl-loaded; face-lathered
Aftershave: Ulm Nom
Post-shave: face wash with shave binky
Post-shave: Equate moisturizer

Managed to not use as much ARKao! as needed, so I had to freshen up the lather several times throughout the shave. Blade kept sounding like it was cutting, but would need another stroke or pass to clear the area. Thankfully, the Overlander lets such foolishness gently occur and a close, comfortable shave was had albeit more time-consuming.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
One Blade In Fruity February

Last night’s neutral shave
Karve brass Overlander
Loi Titanium (6)
Damp facecloth aka “shave binky”
AP ShaveCo Dinosaur G5C 28mm synthetic brush
Pre-shave: warm shower, aloe gel
Lather: ARKO!, bowl-loaded; face-lathered
Aftershave: Ulm Nom
Post-shave: face wash with shave binky
Post-shave: Equate moisturizer

Added the Aloe 100% Gel after the shower. Killed the appearance of the lather, but face felt pretty slick. Blade left enough stubble behind to write “change razors for next time.”
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