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Fitness challenge to Summer 2016

167 lbs

My plan is to ride regularly on weekends, on rail trails. If I shed a couple of pounds, so much the better. Want to get back to where I was, in many respects, before my life was interrupted by appendix cancer three years ago. I'm a casual rider, and stick to the comfort and safety of rail trails. My road days are over.
David - currently ~130 and looking to get to 160. It's been about 8 years since I've been over 150, and I just want to build an active lifestyle. To achieve this I'm looking at 3+ lifting days per week complimented by cardio however I can get it! I'd like to join a rock climbing gym or MMA gym, and I was previously a yoga enthusiast. Currently my lifting routine is lacking and the cardio routine is trying to run the pounds off of my chubby black lab. Eating is going to be key to achieve this goal, and I log calories in MyFitnessPal. Food quantity and quality is important! This is an aggressive half-year plan with a realistic one year target.
Welcome. I know that thus quarter is almost over so.......how did you all do?

I failed miserably but with a new quarter is new hope.
Got through the quarter. I'm went up a touch during my business trip last week, but overall it was steady.

Not sure what i'm going to do for next quarter yet.

Congratulations to all who participated through this quarter!
I'm down a few trying to stick with running. Works been crazy which hasn't helped. I'll be hiking in less than two weeks, looking forward to that.
Yes, I do. I just returned from a trip and I'm ready to start a new program. I'm looking at the 5/3/1 program and it looks pretty good.


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
I will participate in the Fall Challenge and I'll be posting my own thread/journal as well.
I have had some hiccups at the end, have been traveling the last 2-3 weeks and so food prep, workouts etc have all gone south. Ready to get back home and to a routine again.
I will be in for the fall challenge.
Here comes the next quarter! Another chance to commit to fitness goals and share your progress (and your challenges) with all your B&B buddies! The To Spring Challenge was lots of fun and people made great progress!

To Spring Challenge was Jan 1 - March 21 2016
To Summer Challenge is April 1 to June 21 2016
To Fall Challenge is July 1 to September 21 2016
To Christmas will be October 1 to December 24, 2016.

To join, post your start weight, your goal, and 3 or more things that you plan to work on to achieve that goal. There is no reward for completing it on here, just the fact you will feel better and be healthier for it. Anyone is welcome to post their goals.

I am preparing (not doing anything yet other than scheduling) for the Fall Challenge (July 1 to September 21 2016)

Current weight: 185 lbs
Weight goal: 192 lbs

I am looking for 7 lbs additional muscle mass. That should be doable in the allowed time frame without busting my chops completely.

Adjust my diet:
20% more protein than I eat currently ( I eat mostly meat, fowl, fish, eggs, cheese/yogurt, green stuff and nuts/seeds, pretty low-carb intake, but decent amount of good fat)

What I already do daily (about 5-6 times week):
Run 5 miles, swim half an hour, 15 minutes calisthenics (squats, burpees, sit-ups, push-ups, chin-ups)

Increase activity:
Add 20 minute weight training per day
Add 1 hour swimming per day
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