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Fitness challenge to Summer 2016

I'm in, I missed the Spring Challenge but ran 2 miles roughly every other day in March.

Summer Challenge April to June:
Run 3 miles roughly every other day, so about 30+miles per month. Goal to get below a 10 min mile consistently.

Weight currently: 240.9
Goal by July 1st: 230.0

(1) Running 3 miles MonWedFri (or 3x week)
(2) Counting Calories using an app on my iphone
(3) Eat healthier, maybe get a meal replacement (i.e. protein shake) for lunches.


Here comes the next quarter! Another chance to commit to fitness goals and share your progress (and your challenges) with all your B&B buddies! The To Spring Challenge was lots of fun and people made great progress!

To Spring Challenge was Jan 1 - March 21 2016
To Summer Challenge is April 1 to June 21 2016
To Fall Challenge is July 1 to September 21 2016
To Christmas will be October 1 to December 24, 2016.

To join, post your start weight, your goal, and 3 or more things that you plan to work on to achieve that goal. There is no reward for completing it on here, just the fact you will feel better and be healthier for it. Anyone is welcome to post their goals.
I use MapMyFitness for my exercise and MyFitnessPal for counting calories.

They work together as well but I'm looking to get a fitness band (likely Fitbit HR or something that measures heart rate).


Anyone know a good app or website for tracking weight training?

I'm not concerned about trying to account for calories, but more looking for something where I can easily track sets, reps, and weights for various exercises over time. Right now I'm using a excel spreadsheet, and it's not the best.

Also, who is on MyFitnessPal? I intend to start tracking again with the beginning of the challenge.
1. krow - 190 - get to 185, prepare for summer multi-day bike tour
2. kevdogg329 - ride bike multiple times per week
3. Sullybob - 220 - get to 212
4. noahpictures - 185 - get to 170
5. GMJager - 183 - get to 173, prepare for Savage Race (5.5 mile 27obstacles)
6. Chris Murphy - 190 - get to 180
7. Andy - 266 - get to 246
8. Haggises - will weigh in on 4/1. Goal is still 220. Lo-carb, gym, and getback on the C25K path
9. redfalconf35 - 306 - get to 280
10. Blaidth - 170.9
Cphobes - 240.9 - get to 230

First step accomplished! We had a perfect spring day here in Seattle. I pulled my bike out of the garage, cleaned it up, pumped the tires and took it to get groceries.

It wasn't a long ride - maybe 4 miles or so - but it's fun to be started again.
I used the last few days as a baseline to see how many calories I consume when not paying attention. Turns out that I'm fairly consistently around 2500 calories. Starting today, I'm shooting for ~1950 calories so that I can make my weight loss goal on diet alone. That way, <strike>if</strike> when I get my exercise regimen established, any benefits will be icing on the cake (that I won't be eating).

The hard part is going to be the weekends and other meals with SWMBO. When I eat alone all day (2 or 3 days a week) I'm around 2000 calories, but when we have meals together, I eat closer to 2500 calories. She is a much more active person than I am (she teaches fitness classes for one job and works at a running store for a second job), so her caloric requirements are much higher than mine (I sit in front of a computer at work all day and sit in front of a computer at school all evening). It's going to be really hard to eat healthy when she makes the calorie dense foods she needs in order to keep from crashing.
Good day yesterday (for me it was the (self imposed) first day of the challenge)

  • Under calorie goal for the day (Intake 2,035, Goal (inc exercise) 4,074, Remain 2,039)
  • Over 8,000 steps for the day (10,829)
  • Went to the gym (haven't been for some time, so started with 30 minutes cardio)
Weekly weight training. Short, but very intense. Unlike me who is reasonably tall and laid-back :001_smile
How are things going for everybody? I'm a daily weigher (I lose motivation if I don't know my exact weight... I know, weird), and I've dropped a little over 4lbs so far, probably mostly water weight.

I've struggled to hit my calorie goal most days, but if I'm within a hundred or so, I consider it a good day. I'm averaging a little over 2150 calories/day over the first week, with a couple real bad days that pull the average up. I've eaten out twice so far, and failed to order fish and greens either time, so that will be a tough goal to keep up with.

Good luck to everybody on week 2 of the challenge!
I know this quarter has started but I want to join anyway. I just found out about this part of B&B and this just means I have less time to complete my goal. My goal is 100 Kilos (220lbs) I am currently 109Kilos (240lbs.) it's an aggressive goal I know but I'm confident.
1) I will continue my "slow carb" diet, I already lost over 3 kilos in 2 weeks. This diet dropped me from over 260lbs to 235 in a month last year
2)After the first month of only diet I will start a simple body weight circuit routine.
3) If I can manage the willpower I will try to fill my weekly cheat days with healthy carbs like fruit and while grain, again after the first month of progress.
4)On my less active work days I will try to get up and move more.

I look forward to making better progress with the motivation of my fellow BnBers! Thanks guys and keep up the good work with your goals, may you find the strength to persevere!
Weigh in 4/1 was 231. Was down only a couple on the quarter, but more from my peak in the quarter.
Having a hard time getting back to eating sensibly after vacation, but eating less than usual.
my goal was to maintain my weight...only four pounds to go :lol:

Business travel was hard on my scale...Heading off for a spring break trip on Sunday...could be trouble...
I got in a lot of walking on Saturday. It was a perfect spring day in Seattle and I went out for about 4 miles.

I'll be in "tourist mode" all week in Washington DC, so I expect to log a lot of miles this week.
I had an awful (read: awful for my waistline, but great from every other perspective) weekend of pizza, chocolate, and beer. I was expecting to stand on the scale this morning and have gained 3 lbs in fat and water weight over the weekend. Instead, I only gained 0.6lbs. Still over 5lbs down from the start! That's a success! I'm hoping to crack sub-300 by the end of week 2 (this Thursday). I'm at 301.2 right now.
I'm a little late joining up here, but better late than never, right?

I'm coming in at around 85kg. Long term I'd like to lose 10 kg, but really I'd like to change myself to slim and muscular. I'll be cycling to work 2-3 times a week. I'll lift weights 3-4 times a week. I'm also following the eat stop eat programme of intermittent fasting. I started last week and the two 24 hour fasts weren't as difficult as I had expected.
Looking forward to moving forward with the other members here.

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Also late to the party but I'd like to join up! I actually started hitting it hard again March 28th, on week four of my program.
My goals...get from 222 (starting weight) to something around 200 or under by the end of the challenge. I would also like to significantly increase my bench press, squat, press and deadlift weights as well.
I am working Michael Matthew's "The Year One Challenge", workouts are based off instruction in his book "Bigger Leaner Stronger". It's modeled pretty closely off Mark Rippetoe's "Starting Strength" in that it's focused on a lot of barbell work. I'm doing 5 days a week lifting and 3 evenings of HIIT training for 30 minutes + some type of activity on Saturdays. Sundays are lazy.
Also doing meal prep twice a week with one splurge meal a week and very limited alcohol, treating it like dessert. Not often in small amounts.

Progress since beginning; lifts have all gone up quite a bit as expected, I've never really focused on this kind of lifting so the "newb gains" are real. Nothing to boast about yet! Also dropped about 6-7 lbs so far, nice and steady.

Cool thread idea, looking forward to seeing everybody's progress the next couple months.
Well, I've had a pretty messy week and a half. Between pushing extra hard to get all of my work done before my last day (last friday) and getting ready for finals, I've not made much progress in the last 8-10 days. I'm hovering at 302.6 right now.

On the positive side, my wife took me to her fitness class on Tuesday morning (she teaches at the local Orange Theory Fitness), and I burned 822 calories in an hour! I about puked during the burpees... thankfully I didn't eat before the class. For those not aware of OTF, you spend half an hour alternating between a rowing machine and weights, and the other half an hour is interval training on a treadmill. You wear a heart rate wrist strap the whole time, and you work on trying to keep your heart rate in the appropriate goal zone for each segment of the workout. Anyway, I couldn't get my heart rate high enough to get into my goal zone (which was somewhere in the 155+bpm range) before I was gasping for air, so I'll have to work up my pulminary fitness to the point where I can get my heart rate up without distress.

I'm going to go again tomorrow morning... hopefully I can start establishing a habit!
Last week was good. It was "Strength Week" which meant pretty intense workouts focused on Squat, deadlift, military press and bench press but there were only three days instead of five. Did a couple of cardio workouts in between days. Dropped two pounds and went up a little on all my lifts. I did tweak my back a little Friday but it seemed to recover over the weekend, lifted today with no problem.
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