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Carson LED 60-100x Scope - How do I use it on an edge?

I picked one of these up the other day...
...and figured out that I can take pics by holding my iPhone up to the eyepiece.

I took some shots of the "A" in "USA" on this stamp:
I had planned to use this for looking at straight razor blades, but you basically have to stand the scope on whatever you're looking at to focus it. I obviously don't want to rest this directly on an edge I'm trying to hone...any suggestions?
I use that to look at edges all the time. I don't know how to explain other than I rest the scope on the blade and edge very gently and have never had an issue.
Lay the razor down flat, set the scope on the razor. I have a similar Radio shack scope, plus some others. Youre not really looking down at the cutting edge, but looking at the bevel
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