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Aussie Pass-around box

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Razor: Gillette New Long Comb
Brush: B&B Essential
Blade: Personna Lab Blue (3)
Cream: La Toja Cream
Bowl: Aesop Stainless Steel
Aftershave: Rub of Thayers Witch Hazel and a rub of Proraso White balm

The shave:

Late night but time for a quick appraisal of my mornings shave. I've given the some things a good run so I'll change it up a bit tomorrow. Today's shave was all about using the B&B boar with a cream and bowl. Cream mixing in a bowl does not come naturally to me. In fact, I'm quite hopeless at it.

La Toja cream was this mornings choice because I've always wanted to try the shave stick. So I proceeded to bowl lather and the result was acceptable. Nothing like a soap puck and face lather, but quite passable. The scent is classic and masculine. I can see why La Toja enjoys such universal acceptance. The B&B boar performed well with the cream as it did previously with the soaps.

The LC and day 3 Personna blade did their usual great duet but a blade change is now due.

Finished off with my usual hot/cold rinse followed by some Thayers Witch Hazel and Proraso white balm. Whilst it absorbed quite well and left no greasy residue, this balm did not blow me away with it's scent. Post shave feel was very good but I can't see myself buying this balm in the future. I suppose it would work better for guys who like to splash on an after shaver afterwards.

Overall it was a very satisfying shave and my La Toja curiosity has now been cured. I'll end up buying the shave stick if the opportunity presents itself. With tomorrows blade change I will change other things up a bit. Apologies for tonights humdrum photo but I got home late.

Cheers guys!

This is so great reading all the reviews everyone is posting. Hopefully i'll be able to join in for round 3 if it happens, heading to Europe for a couple of months armed with my trusty 1912 Gem and industrial gem blades haha, hopefully i'll be able to buy some persona's or something while i'm there.
Razor: Gillette New Short Comb
Brush: Omega Boar
Blade: Personna Lab Blue - fresh blade
Cream: Valobra
Rub of Thayers Witch Hazel and a rub of Speick balm

The shave:

With the change of blade I decided to change things up a bit. The Gillette NEW LC, and B&B boar makes way for the box NEW SC and Omega boar. Both the LC and B&B were very impressive. How does a Short Comb differ from its Long cousin? How does the Omega boar match up to the well regarded B&B icon? Valobra has always been on my wish list after the favourable opinions of the shave stick.

After the standard 5 - 10 minute soak, I loaded up some Valobra and proceeded to face lather. It's a soft soap that smells a bit like Cella. It lathers very easily only requiring a small amount of time to get a rich, slick and consistent cover of creamy goodness. I prefer the barbershop scent of Mamma Bear, however, this soap produced the best all round lather of all soaps used this week. It's really good. The Omega bristles felt quite nice and I liked the backbone but the B&B boar was a better brush for me. The B&B requires less effort to make an A-grade lather and performs better with every subsequent pass. The Omega looks like it hasn't fully broken in so it should improve with more use.

So, whats the difference between a NEW LC and NEW SC? The obvious feature is aggressiveness. I could feel a more blade with the SC. After the first pass I was going to give the thumbs up to the LC due to its smoothness, but that call proved to be premature. This razor removed a lot of stubble, effortlessly. I could have gotten away with just the one pass. The second ATG pass resulted in a near BBS with any nicks, weepers or irritation. I had to remind myself that this was with an 80 year old razor. The Shortie is a ripper and winner in my personal experiment. It provides the closest shave of any razor in my sizeable collection and the handle makes for easy maneuverability. If you like smooth and mild the LC is for you. You you don't mind some aggression and extra closeness then you should seriously look at the SC.

Finished off with a rub of Witch Hazel and Speick balm. Even using less balm left my skin feeling a bit greasy for a few hours. Speick balm is not for me.

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Those SC News are great, aren't they?


Sensational on all accounts. For months I've been telling myself that I won't be purchasing any more vintage razors and then this thing comes along.
You reckon Andy will figure out that I've switched it for my LC :w00t:

Do you have one khun_diddy?
Gentlemen, I regretfully have to say that I will have to pull my name back from the pass around box. It just happens that I've now got a holiday planned and it'll be at the same time that I would've expected the box to arrive.

Sorry guys. Might just have to wait for the best one.
Gentlemen, I regretfully have to say that I will have to pull my name back from the pass around box. It just happens that I've now got a holiday planned and it'll be at the same time that I would've expected the box to arrive.

Sorry guys. Might just have to wait for the best one.

No worries, thanks for letting us know, enjoy the holiday :thumbsup:

To recap, pass around box order

Lifes a peach
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