to this site and it's posters - 
it's coming up for a year since i threw the electric shaver away and took up wet shaving.
quite honestly i thought the whole deal was over-hyped and couldn't possibly live up to the promises - a better shave, with no irritation or ingrowns etc. that and the fact that i'd tried all the 'latest and best' gels and multi-bladed razors before i finally gave in and went electric. i had so much razor rash and ingrowns that i was convinced my skin was never meant to be wet shaved.
well i was wrong - it is, quite simply, amazing. the techinique took a few months - and i still occasionally get a lather or even shave that's not great. but i know why they happen - rushing, slightly old blade or poor lather - or all 3.
but the shaves are still getting better and better. i've mananged, over the last year, to get an irritation-free, nick-free, ATG shave on virtually all areas of my face. those that i still haven't quite got, are OK with 1 WTG and 2 XTG passes.
still loving the actual process of shaving (which was another thing i thought was just hype) and it's a great 15-20 minutes of 'me time' in the mornings and a wonderful way to start the day.
i know i still have much to learn and experiment with and i'm looking forward to it - but thank you all very much.
ETA - i have to add that the BBS feeling is quite addictive. i do find myself, um, faceturbating, quite frequently, as it feels so good

it's coming up for a year since i threw the electric shaver away and took up wet shaving.
quite honestly i thought the whole deal was over-hyped and couldn't possibly live up to the promises - a better shave, with no irritation or ingrowns etc. that and the fact that i'd tried all the 'latest and best' gels and multi-bladed razors before i finally gave in and went electric. i had so much razor rash and ingrowns that i was convinced my skin was never meant to be wet shaved.
well i was wrong - it is, quite simply, amazing. the techinique took a few months - and i still occasionally get a lather or even shave that's not great. but i know why they happen - rushing, slightly old blade or poor lather - or all 3.
but the shaves are still getting better and better. i've mananged, over the last year, to get an irritation-free, nick-free, ATG shave on virtually all areas of my face. those that i still haven't quite got, are OK with 1 WTG and 2 XTG passes.
still loving the actual process of shaving (which was another thing i thought was just hype) and it's a great 15-20 minutes of 'me time' in the mornings and a wonderful way to start the day.
i know i still have much to learn and experiment with and i'm looking forward to it - but thank you all very much.

ETA - i have to add that the BBS feeling is quite addictive. i do find myself, um, faceturbating, quite frequently, as it feels so good
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