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Is it my beard or something else that I can't get BBS?


this is my second post on this forum.

So I've been shaving with a DE for quite a while, roughly 1 year, and I've improved my technique a lot since I started, tried new razor blades etc. but even after all of that, I still can't get a BBS.

What for me a BBS is, is the image that comes to mind, of that shave when no stubble is visible and the skin is smooth in every direction. Frankly, I've never achieved such a shave.

Firstly, I thought that my technique might be at fault, but even after improving it (and there's still room for improvement), although it did help in some way, I did not get a BBS. Then, after researching about this for a bit, I thought that it might be the way that my beard is, meaning how thick it is, how dark it is, and perhaps there's nothing more to do about it, but I'm not really sure, if this is the case, or I might be still missing something.

Thanks in advanced!

this is my second post on this forum.

So I've been shaving with a DE for quite a while, roughly 1 year, and I've improved my technique a lot since I started, tried new razor blades etc. but even after all of that, I still can't get a BBS.

What for me a BBS is, is the image that comes to mind, of that shave when no stubble is visible and the skin is smooth in every direction. Frankly, I've never achieved such a shave.

Firstly, I thought that my technique might be at fault, but even after improving it (and there's still room for improvement), although it did help in some way, I did not get a BBS. Then, after researching about this for a bit, I thought that it might be the way that my beard is, meaning how thick it is, how dark it is, and perhaps there's nothing more to do about it, but I'm not really sure, if this is the case, or I might be still missing something.

Thanks in advanced!
Hi, First having looked at your first post there may be some confusion as you noted that you were getting good shaves with a main concern around how to minimize nicks.

Recommend you clarify by first sharing how you shave today, the equipment used and the software (blades and shaving soaps/creams). Walk us through your shaving technique with these tools and then fellow members here will be better able to provide you with the best possible advice, likely after the holiday.

In the meantime welcome to B&B and best wishes for a happy holiday!
Do you shave WTG, XTG and ATG? The only way to achieve BBS is to shave against the grain. The best you can achieve shaving with the grain is a DFS and DFS+ with some touch-up.

Not everyone can tolerate a three-pass shave. That is where the YMMV enters.

As Lane101 said, "recommend you clarify by first sharing how you shaved today, the equipment used."

Have you done "beard mapping" and know the direction of growth of your whiskers. Mine grow N>S on my cheeks (WTG + ATG), but below the jawline and on my neck they grow W>E (WTG, XTG & ATG).

An excellent article on beard mapping can be found here: https://grownmanshave.com/blogs/gro...is quite simple.,that is your directional map.

With a bit of patience, proper tecnique, a suitable razor/blade and lather, you will hopefully be able to obtain a BBS or even one step beyond.........the elusive GBS!

I was with you about never achieving a BBS but i've found there are so many variables. Right now i'm using an Ikon B1 slant w/ a vaskov blade. It tok 3 days to break in this blade without looking like I was in a knife fight dont recomend this blade w/ that shaver) but got a BBS everywhere but in 3 quarter size spots, which is always bad. Problem is the slant, 3 passes is about all you'll get without a nick. Are you using the ame blade or trying different blades? it could just be your razor itself. but soap, pressure, just too many things. i learned to not put any pressure on this razor like I can on my Merkur 34C. only the weight of the shaver. I know the futur razor or a high end clone will allow you to get really good shaves, but be warned it will cut you up like Freddie Kruger in no time too.
Several things come to mind here. First, if you indeed have a very dense and wiry beard, it may not be worth the effort to get a "true" BBS. More irritation to your skin that the super smooth shave is worth. And it's not gonna last very long anyway unless you figure out how to get your beard hair to quit growing. Won't be shaving at all if that happens!

Second, you may be using a fairly mild razor, in which case it's difficult to get a dense beard shaved super close, the edge of the blade just won't get down to the skin. Adjustable razors are handy for figuring this out, as you can make them more or less aggressive for any blade and see if you can get closer.

Third, you may not have your shaving angle perfect yet, along with not getting correct against the grain direction. To get a BBS it's almost a requirement to shave ATG on at least part of your face -- for me thats anywhere but my chin. My beard grows out almost parallel to the skin over most of my face, shaving WTG is useless, just puts sharp points on the hairs.
I could always do it with disposables and cartridges easily. It took me a while to dial it in the right gear and technique with a safety razor. I am not even close with straights and shavettes. I am always trying new stuff, so most of the time I give up on it once my skin has had enough scraping for one day.
I was with you about never achieving a BBS but i've found there are so many variables. Right now i'm using an Ikon B1 slant w/ a vaskov blade. It tok 3 days to break in this blade without looking like I was in a knife fight dont recomend this blade w/ that shaver) but got a BBS everywhere but in 3 quarter size spots, which is always bad. Problem is the slant, 3 passes is about all you'll get without a nick. Are you using the ame blade or trying different blades? it could just be your razor itself. but soap, pressure, just too many things. i learned to not put any pressure on this razor like I can on my Merkur 34C. only the weight of the shaver. I know the futur razor or a high end clone will allow you to get really good shaves, but be warned it will cut you up like Freddie Kruger in no time too.
What’s a “vaskov blade”?
If you have pale skin and a dark beard, you may always have a visible shadow, even if your whiskers are shaved completely off: that is just genetics.

In terms of getting that smooth feeling from every direction, that is just technique that develops over years. If you stop chasing it, it will appear when it is ready.
Some people regard BBS shaves as the goal, but getting a close shave is sufficient in practical terms. BBS amounts to a few extra hours of smoothness. DFS+ shave is easier on the skin and faster.

You will probably find yourself getting closer shaves and/or quicker shaves with a lot of practice. It is good to experiment a bit. Also, don't neglect the prep part of the shave.

Personally, my goal is to be able to get a close shave in ten minutes or less.
Some people never get BBS, me I do not go for BBS, because good, or great is OK.

Some folks skin surface in not live like a Marbel Counter Top, Bear Grow in all sort of directions, so you never getting BBS.

Same person who does get that BBS they artier chasing pays price of big skin irritations.

Be Happy if you get satisfactory shave.

this is my second post on this forum.

So I've been shaving with a DE for quite a while, roughly 1 year, and I've improved my technique a lot since I started, tried new razor blades etc. but even after all of that, I still can't get a BBS.

What for me a BBS is, is the image that comes to mind, of that shave when no stubble is visible and the skin is smooth in every direction. Frankly, I've never achieved such a shave.

Firstly, I thought that my technique might be at fault, but even after improving it (and there's still room for improvement), although it did help in some way, I did not get a BBS. Then, after researching about this for a bit, I thought that it might be the way that my beard is, meaning how thick it is, how dark it is, and perhaps there's nothing more to do about it, but I'm not really sure, if this is the case, or I might be still missing something.

Thanks in advanced!
A years experience is a good place to be. If you feel your shave and technique is solid. You might consider pre shave preparations and post shave skin care. They might help. Shaving enthusiasts in this community continue to improve our shaves constantly. Be consistent in your shave routines and practices as much as possible. There are always ways to improve our results. It’s a journey. Best results will always happen when you are relaxed and enjoying your shaves.
To get a real BBS, you must do a pass against the hair growth ATG. I know there are people who claim that it can be achieved without ATG, but this is not true.
Personally, I do three passes, one WTG and two passes ATG. I intentionally skip XTG, because I think that I do an empty pass that does nothing but irritate the skin further.
Also, it should be taken into account that for some people, BBS is not possible due to specifics of the skin, too sensitive, too loose (old age), too uneven, acne, dermatitis, etc.... Under these conditions, it is simply pointless to insist on BBS.

Finally, perhaps for your peace of mind, I will tell you that a large part of the people who claim to do BBS actually cannot do it, despite their claims.
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Give us the full run down of your gear and shave routine and maybe we can find some improvements for you. Without knowing that I would say that for me the biggest difference between a close, comfortable shave and a poor, uncomfortable shave is the quality of the pre-shave prep. Good prep makes all the difference.

Generally speaking though, BBS is something that comes to you when your technique is refined enough and your routine is personalised to exactly your needs. In other words, don't be afraid to deviate from what someone told you was "the right thing" if you think it might help you get where you want to go. Not all experiments will be a success, but little by little you will find the little things that work for you.
Mapping the beard and finding the right flow is key... Know yourself! Practice is key and it may take a long time to get consistent results but that's ok.

Re:XTG & ATG - you may find that <90° angle variations work better for you (e.g. replace them by passes that are 70% XTG & 30% ATG - I find it smoother and less irritating than full-ATG)

Ps: permashadow is real for some and there's nothing one can do about it, that's ok too.
There is a lot of advice about achieving a good/great shave in this forum. Click and read through most of the sections of this forum. But i personally think the best posts are the shave rating ones. I started responding to the shave rating posts again, once i was able to and remembered i joined this forum.

YOUR personal opinion of a shave is all that matters. If anybody says anything especially discouraging things about your shaving, a fist is a great conversation ender... hahaha...

I will NEVER achieve or say/tap i had a bbs shave... i have never or will ever fondle a baby's ***.

Just decide what your best shave is. Then look at perfecting it. ok maybe consider the person/people you are having sex with, opinion/s as well. The fist thing i mentioned above can still happen if yous want it to happen... hahaha

Welcome to the Badger&Blade forum. Just be careful of what sections you click on. Those posts in most of the sections can get you deep in their "bunny holes". Especially the "soap" ones... hahaha
When I am skin stretching away from the razor, in front of the razor, on the ATG pass,
I am doing that deliberately for a BBS shave.

If you're already doing that,
then I can only imagine further improvement
in nuances of things that you're not really doing wrong.
Worked with guy in High School at my Part Time job he was Eastern Europium Ethnicity, he could Shave at 16 years old, at 0630 am, by time he got to School he had almost the look of Blackish Gray Face where he had beard. He was constantly in Office with Boys VP - Nortie Nelson for shave check.

CC as I called him shaved daily, with in an hour and a half his beard was back, just below skin line, but very visible. For this guy to get BBS was impossible.

Ran into him about 15 years ago in Beautiful Down Town Burbank, he recognized me, and I recognized his voice. He wore Full Beard that was as THICK as Black Bore Shave Brush, it was incredible beard. Think, bushy, and Neat.

Guy did not get drafted during our Vietnam War, Football injury prevent that. I am sure he would have had good time is basic training, explained he shave to his Drill Sargent, but looked like her did not.

Some people can NEVER ACHEVE BBS. Not Possible.
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