Well, considering the date, he may be preoccupied.The OP never posted again. He didn’t describe his hardware or his technique. I guess he didn’t really want any advice.
Well since I came here you only come around to make smart comments without any contribution to the posts. Don’t you have anything better to do then bother people on Christmas? Maybe you’re lonely, just plain rude, bitter or all 3.What’s a “vaskov blade”?
A simple, polite correction/explanation would have sufficed. If @HoosierTrooper continues to give you grief after the correction, then the Mod Team will deal with him. Understood?Well since I came here you only come around to make smart *** comments without any contribution to the posts. Don’t you have anything better to do then bother people on Christmas? Maybe you’re lonely, just plain rude, bitter or all 3.
my phone auto corrected a word it hasn’t spelled before voskhod was the blade and I’m sure you knew exactly what I was talking about. . Please find someone else to harass thank you. Oh and Merry Christmas, get to bed now 3 ghost will be visiting you later tonight.
Hi, yes that's right. Now I know that what caused the nicks was my improper technique (mainly the angle of the blade), and now I've corrected that.Hi, First having looked at your first post there may be some confusion as you noted that you were getting good shaves with a main concern around how to minimize nicks.
Recommend you clarify by first sharing how you shave today, the equipment used and the software (blades and shaving soaps/creams). Walk us through your shaving technique with these tools and then fellow members here will be better able to provide you with the best possible advice, likely after the holiday.
In the meantime welcome to B&B and best wishes for a happy holiday!
I'll keep that in mind, haha. Thanks!There is a lot of advice about achieving a good/great shave in this forum. Click and read through most of the sections of this forum. But i personally think the best posts are the shave rating ones. I started responding to the shave rating posts again, once i was able to and remembered i joined this forum.
YOUR personal opinion of a shave is all that matters. If anybody says anything especially discouraging things about your shaving, a fist is a great conversation ender... hahaha...
I will NEVER achieve or say/tap i had a bbs shave... i have never or will ever fondle a baby's ***.
Just decide what your best shave is. Then look at perfecting it. ok maybe consider the person/people you are having sex with, opinion/s as well. The fist thing i mentioned above can still happen if yous want it to happen... hahaha
Welcome to the Badger&Blade forum. Just be careful of what sections you click on. Those posts in most of the sections can get you deep in their "bunny holes". Especially the "soap" ones... hahaha
Thank you for your comment. I'll check the community further.I've met many men over the years who always had a 5 O'clock shadow..... even right after shaving. I agree with the previous statements.... Genetics.... Quite a few Italian men I've met have those dense, black whiskers that cannot be trimmed to the point where they are no longer visible... If that is your case... embrace that look if you are going to continue to wet shave...
I'm sure you'll continue to work on your skin prep and your shaving techniques. I've only been doing this for three years this coming February... and I learn new stuff all the time. It's part of what I like about traditional wet shaving. It's fun and engaging.
I know it's just shaving, but it can be pleasant and relaxing as well as removing unwanted whiskers. As far as equipment goes, you'll find what works for you.... I would suggest reading the Journals and Diaries of the B&B members. You might find a shave brother or two.... People who need and enjoy the same things you do... brushes... razors.. soaps, etc.... The varios Shave of the Day threads are also helpful...
There are lots of ways to approach the B&B community... I start with What's New: New Posts... but others might pick a particular Forum and do most of their reading and interacting there. You'll find your place.