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Is it my beard or something else that I can't get BBS?

Have you tried different razors. I’ve found that some razors don’t work as well for me and I can’t get BBs with those. I can’t get that with a tech but I can with a new, r41, red tip, slim, Yaqi beast, PAA phantom, shavettes, or straights. So it might be how the razor fits you.


I shaved a fortune
I've met many men over the years who always had a 5 O'clock shadow..... even right after shaving. I agree with the previous statements.... Genetics.... Quite a few Italian men I've met have those dense, black whiskers that cannot be trimmed to the point where they are no longer visible... If that is your case... embrace that look if you are going to continue to wet shave...

I'm sure you'll continue to work on your skin prep and your shaving techniques. I've only been doing this for three years this coming February... and I learn new stuff all the time. It's part of what I like about traditional wet shaving. It's fun and engaging.

I know it's just shaving, but it can be pleasant and relaxing as well as removing unwanted whiskers. As far as equipment goes, you'll find what works for you.... I would suggest reading the Journals and Diaries of the B&B members. You might find a shave brother or two.... People who need and enjoy the same things you do... brushes... razors.. soaps, etc.... The varios Shave of the Day threads are also helpful...

There are lots of ways to approach the B&B community... I start with What's New: New Posts... but others might pick a particular Forum and do most of their reading and interacting there. You'll find your place.
What’s a “vaskov blade”?
Well since I came here you only come around to make smart comments without any contribution to the posts. Don’t you have anything better to do then bother people on Christmas? Maybe you’re lonely, just plain rude, bitter or all 3.

my phone auto corrected a word it hasn’t spelled before voskhod was the blade and I’m sure you knew exactly what I was talking about. . Please find someone else to harass thank you. Oh and Merry Christmas, get to bed now 3 ghost will be visiting you later tonight.
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Staff member
Well since I came here you only come around to make smart *** comments without any contribution to the posts. Don’t you have anything better to do then bother people on Christmas? Maybe you’re lonely, just plain rude, bitter or all 3.

my phone auto corrected a word it hasn’t spelled before voskhod was the blade and I’m sure you knew exactly what I was talking about. . Please find someone else to harass thank you. Oh and Merry Christmas, get to bed now 3 ghost will be visiting you later tonight.
A simple, polite correction/explanation would have sufficed. If @HoosierTrooper continues to give you grief after the correction, then the Mod Team will deal with him. Understood?

Don't try to bypass the swear filter.
I understand. I have actually looked for the forum rules, but my ignorance has not allowed me to locate them as of yet.
I do Mod on youtube and Rumble for a few channels that have near 1 million subs. I wasn't trying to bypass a swear filter, it's custom and acceptable to use a child friendly respell of illicit words by not spelling a curse word but using characters to still show meaning (example A $ etc.). Obviously this isn't allowed here, different world.

A link to the forums rules would be much appreciated. As far as contacting a mod, i'm in my 40's, I have never snitched, ratted or narc'd on anyone in my life, I have zero intention on starting now. I believe my point was taken and i'll say no more. Apologies to anyone that wasn't addressed in my previous post.
Hi, First having looked at your first post there may be some confusion as you noted that you were getting good shaves with a main concern around how to minimize nicks.

Recommend you clarify by first sharing how you shave today, the equipment used and the software (blades and shaving soaps/creams). Walk us through your shaving technique with these tools and then fellow members here will be better able to provide you with the best possible advice, likely after the holiday.

In the meantime welcome to B&B and best wishes for a happy holiday!
Hi, yes that's right. Now I know that what caused the nicks was my improper technique (mainly the angle of the blade), and now I've corrected that.

-DE RazoRock Mentor Super Knurl (open comp) (from what I had read and now having used it, it is an aggressive razor; that's what I was going for)
-Shaving brush: a synthetic Omega brush
-Shaving soap: WestMan Alma Artisan
As for the blades which I'm using, I mainly use Feathers.

Shaving routine:
Most of the time, my shaving routine, consists of shaving WTG, XTG, and lastly ATG, though regarding ATG, I try to shave all of my face against the grain, but some patches/spots are hard to shave ATG (meaning certain spots at the neck, at the jawline etc.) and thus sometimes, some spots are left without having shaved them ATG.

When I'm going ATG, I try to shave using the angle of the blade, rarely do I ride the guard.

Thanks for your comment.
As someone who moderated a forum to teach shaving technique and promote excellent shaves, I can tell you that chasing a BBS, while it is fun and does help improve technique, is really chasing a cloud. Yes, sometimes you get those shaves that are absolutely smooth and perfect. For about 15 minutes. The secret is....your beard keeps growing.

I have also found that achieving that perfect shave is harder than we think. I'll finish and say yes, BBS. Got it. Then 5 minutes later find that spot on my neck that isn't quite there.

My advice, or suggestion, or two cents or whatever - don't focus on BBS as a goal that has to be reached. Work on perfecting your technique and keep the focus on that. Enjoy the process. And when you do finally find that ultimate result you're looking for, enjoy the moment! Then go back the next day and focus on technique, enjoy the process, and just let the results be what they are. The better your technique and longer you do it, the better the shaves will become.
There is a lot of advice about achieving a good/great shave in this forum. Click and read through most of the sections of this forum. But i personally think the best posts are the shave rating ones. I started responding to the shave rating posts again, once i was able to and remembered i joined this forum.

YOUR personal opinion of a shave is all that matters. If anybody says anything especially discouraging things about your shaving, a fist is a great conversation ender... hahaha...

I will NEVER achieve or say/tap i had a bbs shave... i have never or will ever fondle a baby's ***.

Just decide what your best shave is. Then look at perfecting it. ok maybe consider the person/people you are having sex with, opinion/s as well. The fist thing i mentioned above can still happen if yous want it to happen... hahaha

Welcome to the Badger&Blade forum. Just be careful of what sections you click on. Those posts in most of the sections can get you deep in their "bunny holes". Especially the "soap" ones... hahaha
I'll keep that in mind, haha. Thanks!
I've met many men over the years who always had a 5 O'clock shadow..... even right after shaving. I agree with the previous statements.... Genetics.... Quite a few Italian men I've met have those dense, black whiskers that cannot be trimmed to the point where they are no longer visible... If that is your case... embrace that look if you are going to continue to wet shave...

I'm sure you'll continue to work on your skin prep and your shaving techniques. I've only been doing this for three years this coming February... and I learn new stuff all the time. It's part of what I like about traditional wet shaving. It's fun and engaging.

I know it's just shaving, but it can be pleasant and relaxing as well as removing unwanted whiskers. As far as equipment goes, you'll find what works for you.... I would suggest reading the Journals and Diaries of the B&B members. You might find a shave brother or two.... People who need and enjoy the same things you do... brushes... razors.. soaps, etc.... The varios Shave of the Day threads are also helpful...

There are lots of ways to approach the B&B community... I start with What's New: New Posts... but others might pick a particular Forum and do most of their reading and interacting there. You'll find your place.
Thank you for your comment. I'll check the community further.
Best advice is do not chase the BBS, it is like a Unicorn, very few will achieve 100% of time. The more you Shave, practice technique the better results you will get. Someday you might catch a Unicorn.:straight:
As other great members , I do not chase anything, expect my wife.
The key here is to shaving smart.
Yes , your tool, technique, skill, patience, process, methodogly needs to be on target for you and understanding were improvements are needed.
One important element not discussed much is having a face (hair/stubble) map as your road map. Plan out a course that works for you and is efficient, doable and safe for you to execute.
Don't just think horizontal, vertical , up and down.
Know the way your stubble grows, understand your differcult areas. Shave smart..
I execute a two pass shave (using my map) and sometimes a bit of touch up is needed Usually around the mouth.
Results : A great shave...
I normally check and update map around twice a year.

Now my dad would say, if you are shaving without out a map, you are driving blind. How do you know what you are doing, where you are going and how to get there on time...

This has been working for me, ever since I picked up wet shaving ( over 50 yrs ago - started w/ SRs)
Find what works for you. Be open...
Please make it fun and learn as you go...yep shave smart..

Different Faces - Different Cases.

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