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2024 Shave Purchase Sabbatical - The Year of MacGyver


My wallet cries.

Still in. 2 wtg passes, Ball end tech w/ some gsb blades inside. Just realized that I use so little after shave each time, that this little bottle will prob last me a year.
I’m still in, even though I’ve been absent. I swear, I’m busier now that I’m retired than I was when I was working. So many projects to complete.

Razor: Merkur 50C Progress 4.5
Blade: Astra Green (4)
Brush: Simpsons Commodore X3 Best
Bowl: Captains Choice Copper Bowl
Preshave: GLYCE
Soap: TOBS Sandalwood Cream
Aftershave: Speick

Make it a great day!
None of us can imagine what you, your wife and your family must be going through. At least I can't.

So the only thing I would add to my fellow namesake's statement is that if anyone deserves carte blanche to buy a few things without breaking a GRUYERE rule, it is you.
Feel free to stick with us whenever you are in need of some distraction.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


What a thoughful gift this brush is. Wow. It's such a beauty! 😍

I agree wholeheartedly.

I can imagine, as I lost my first wife to an auto accident and thought I was going to lose my second wife to cancer. I am still not entirely sure about that, either. It's not a large step to imagine being told one day that her end is certain and near....

All we can do is make the most of each day we have.


I agree wholeheartedly.

I can imagine, as I lost my first wife to an auto accident and thought I was going to lose my second wife to cancer. I am still not entirely sure about that, either. It's not a large step to imagine being told one day that her end is certain and near....

All we can do is make the most of each day we have.

There are a ton of untold stories of triumph, grief, loss, etc. here. I don't intend to make mine front stage and center, but in the spirit of honesty didn't think it right to continue on as if all was normal, whilst indulging myself in a few new sets.
I'll consider it an honor to think of myself as somewhat of an "honorary" member for now, but the intent was to never go hog wild as I would in the past.
In fact, the past few months have given me an opportunity to "thin the heard" and get rid of several soaps I rarely used. A large selection is nice but when it gets to the point of debating in your head the night before what set you want to use, when was the last time I used this or that, etc...it does take away from the enjoyment.
Another factor was the Mrs. has become averse to several of the A/S scents the last 6 months, due to this last regimen she was taking. It was without question on my part that any offending soap (or set) was set aside and not used, none of which I really missed and thus realizing I don't enjoy the process any less with fewer choices, in fact it makes the process a bit more enjoyable.
Good day all! This forum is tops on many humbling ways.
Well gents, I am out and in quite spectacular fashion at that. I was gifted this brush by the Mrs. a short time ago and was quite speechless when it was presented to me. It was one purchased during the final days of Rudy's configurator, and while at the time she was ribbing me that I was out of luck(she saw the email) she had ordered one on her own. As it turns out she does pay attention to my small collection of brushes. When I asked her how she arrived at the handle design, she told me how she knew my Simpsons 57 was a favorite and decided to wing it.

The bottom reads in white letters "With Love, (her first name)"

I realize this does not likely put me out, but I've already put in an order for a few Ethos soaps as I've lost my will power at this point in the game.

A little back story is in order, if nothing else for the purpose of some mild cathartic time. There may be a few gents in this restraint who might recall back in the Sep GRUME when I had mentioned the Mrs. was dealing with a terminal cancer, leptomeningeal disease...it's one with no cure and terminal in all cases, typically in short order. You see, it's a cancer that floats around in your cerebrospinal fluid and gets in the brain lining and other places. We are fearfully and wonderfully made with a blood brain barrier to keep the bad stuff out, but this includes most drugs that need to get inside that space when things arise.

In a nutshell, after having issues with mild double vision 3 months prior(it had already started we know now)her original dx was in late June of 2022 after a MRI revealed significant spread up there and other spots on the spine(less concerning), with a prognosis of 3 or 4 months. We were completely blindsided, having never heard of this cancer before anywhere. She's a survivor of MBC from 2013 and after multiple operations/chemo/radiation, has been clear since. Unfortunately as cancer survivors are living longer, other cancers like this are a bit more common if the cancer comes back.

Whole brain radiation ensued early July, there was not time to waste and this was to be done at that time as a strictly palliative measure and perhaps add a few months of quality life. What we, nor the staff at the cancer center expected was that the first follow up MRI a month later would show for the most part nothing detectable in the brain lining.
Another thing we didn't expect was her remarkable response to some fairly new to the scene targeted therapy meds that had some good efficacy to her mutation and did cross the blood brain barrier to a degree.
After the first regimen lost effectiveness last July 2023, the switch was made to another one. That one quit working this past February when a 3 month MRI showed things acting up again, and in a last ditch effort the third one that showed some promise was started. The follow up MRI a few weeks ago revealed it was having no effect at all.

We've known this was terminal from day one and each month was one more milestone, with the medical team always encouraged and somewhat amazed how she kept moving on. She's been working full time, being a mom/wife/new grandma and we've just made all these trips for treatments/scans our "normal".

All this said, we knew in Feb her walk on earth was nearing an end and were told this 3rd drug did not show as much promise and little data was out there. When your oncologist tells you "I'll support you whatever you decide" and doesn't have the excitement as in the past....we knew. So to say the last follow up MRI a few weeks ago was a shock is not true at all. That said it was a bit of a bummer since she's broken the mold numerous times since this began almost two years ago and exceeded everyone's expectations. To say we've been blessed would be the understatement of the year.

For now we will just try to enjoy what time is left together, likely a matter of 3 or 4 months.
One thing I did get permission for was to buy a few more sets of whatever, and at this point in life am not going to argue with the Mrs. about that!
I'll still lurk about this fine community and thread, just not in the same capacity as I had hoped to.
Good day gents!

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Enjoy the time you have together, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I am still in.

Last night's shave was with my beloved CF Legacy. For lather I used Soapy Science in Doc's Special Blend.

For aftershave, I used what I call "the world's most expensive aftershave." It is a Frankenaftershave. One of the things my wife got me for Christmas last year was Blood Orange cologne from Ethos. It smells AMAZING. But, like most citrus fragrances, it fades very quickly. For me, it's not really usable as a cologne; by the time I get wherever I am going, the scent has completely dissipated.

I'm not a big fan of PAA in general, and the owner's past antics still bug me a bit, but they make what is, in my opinion, the best aftershave I have ever tried. It's called Star Jelly aftershave. The first bottle I got was in the Atomic Peach scent; when that was gone I tried to buy another bottle of it but the scent wasn't available. So I got a bottle of the unscented aftershave with menthol.

You guessed it. Unscented Star Jelly aftershave with a couple of spritzes of Ethos's Blood Orange cologne makes for a spectacular aftershave. The scent fades in about the time you might expect an aftershave scent to fade.

It's the best of both worlds. I get the Star Jelly aftershave with a bit of menthol, and I get the pure scent of blood oranges from the Ethos cologne. If I didn't use it for this, I probably wouldn't use it at all, so I don't feel like it's a waste to use it this way.
Still in. No real temptations and, while not a true minimalist, becoming very content with a compact set up.

Jack Black Beard Lube
Leaf Twig
Derby Extra (2)
Duke Cannon ASB

Surprised by the performance of the Derby Extra. Normally I prefer sharper blades with the Twig.
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