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Personna DE Blades (USA)

Item Description


Pretty Plain packaging! Who cares at the price!?


Nice metal dispenser complete with a used blade dump under the new blade storage. Nice touch.

Bottom Line on these Blades
A month or so ago I ran out of Merkur DE blades, so I ordered more from Charles at QED but in the meantime, I needed a blade. So I reluctantly drove up to Walmart to see what they had on the shelf and little to my liking, I see a pack of Personna DE Blades for $1.36. I rolled my eyes and thought, what the hell am I going to do to my face? But that was the only option so I bought them with the understanding that it would just be a few days until I got my Merkurs. Got back to my place, threw em' in the drawer in the bathroom until the next morning.

I loaded up the ol' Vision and the first pass felt MUCH different, almost like ZERO resistance. But that's not atypical of my regular shaves and it was just a passing thought as I shaved with the grain. But when I went against the grain, HOLY MOLY! :w00t: It was like a hot knife going thru soft butter. Hands down the easiest shave I've ever gotten! I mean, it made my Merkur blade feel like I was scraping my face with a Swiss Army knife. I couldn't believe it. I kept feeling my face to see if I was dreaming this up and I was amazed at how smooth my face was with ONE against the grain pass.

I mean folks, maybe it's just me, but the shave was not even comparable. The Personna blades made my face feel as smooth as a freshly Zamboni'd hockey rink. At $1.36 a pack of 10 with a nice little container, I think everyone should at least give em' a shot.

Latest reviews

I've been using my various Personna blades (Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Dollar General, and Fred's) a lot lately. I've found that they all are a little rough on the first shave or two, but so are my Feathers. The Personnas smooth out nicely by the 2d or 3rd shave and give me just as many good shaves as any other blade I've used, except for injectors which go longer than DE blades).
I tried really hard not to like them after my first experiences with them but, as my technique has improved, I've found them to be very good blades.
I don't even feel them when I use them in my Merkur Slant. I have sensitive skin and they just glide through the stubble with no resistance.
What more could want? Maybe a cheaper price or a box of 100. That's about all.
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
5.00 star(s)
I found these blades at WalMart and have shaved twice with them and find these blades to cut very smoothly. They feel like Wilkinson Swords to me. Smooth, no irritation Method Shave, resulting in BBS after three passes. My wife likes em too! :thumbup:
5.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
4.00 star(s)
I am happy shaving with these Made in USA blades in my 1955 Gillette Super Speed, my packaging looks like this.


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