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QED Bay Rum

Item Description

Another player in QED's glycerin shave soap lineup, this Bay Rum is just amazing. As with all of Charles' soaps, the performance is second to none. I'm just thrown back by how awesome my shaves are with his soaps. I'll go out on a limb here and say that there is no shave soap that I know of that can get as close and comfortable as QED's. I know that's totally subjective, but I just don't see it in any other brand. Lots of soaps provide great shaves, but QED's just are in that rare air of possible perfection. I could have given this soap all 10's in the ratings, and I don't think any one product can be totally perfect, but this one is as close as you get to it.

Ok, enough ramblings. Let's talk about the soap:

The soap is a dark amber in color with a nice sheen to it. When I took the top off of the tub, the first thing that my nose got was an absolute overload of pumpkin spice. It reminded me so much of the autumn air (or at least what Autumn Florida gets). It's very crisp in it's un-lathered state. Top notes are of amber, musk, cinnamon, rum, spice, cloves and a slight base note of tobacco. :drool: Upon lathering, as with all of QED's soaps, a few swirls brings this joyous puck to life. The brush explodes in lather effortlessly. 20 swirls and your brush is drenched in mounds of lather.

After the lather build up in the mug, the Bay Rum scent really begins to pour out. As I lather up, I get predominant hints of pumpkin pie and rum doughnut balls. Couple this scent with the Autumn months and it just goes together like peas & carrots.

After the shave, it leaves your face feeling crisp with a ever so slight hint of rum. The scent does not linger for long, so following up with a Bay Rum cologne or aftershave would be appropriate.

All in all, this is a scent that everyone should try. Super quality and affordable pricing, QED has a winner here! :thumbup:

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My favorite of all the bay rum soaps out there.

Price: QED is well priced for its size and for the inclusion of only essensial oils.

Quality: Excellent.

Scent: This is where this soap shines!! What a wonderfully strong scent. It is so spicey and wakes you up.

Lather: As with all QED soaps the lather is very easy to create and it lasts throughout the shave.

Efficacy: The hair softening properties and the glide that ones gets from this soap are top notch.

Moisturizing: The perfect balance for me. Not too much and not too little.


Many people who have used this soap have found that it irritates their skin. Or that the EO's burn when applied to the face. I have to say that the burn is there. But in this case that doesn't mean that it is irritaiting the skin. I love Bay Rum. My favorite being St. John's (it can sometimes feel like liquid acid going on). But the benefits from the bay oil to facial skin and scalp (if used as a tonic) are great.

I live in a very humid climate (although I grew up in a very dry one) and have slightly oily skin and this Bay Rum soap coupled with a alcohol based bay rum splash leaves my skin less oily and less irritated during the hot summer months.

The burn people feel is most likely the clove EO, as clove is a hot oil and will heat up on the skin. This doesn't mean that it is irritating it though. The burn is quite relatable to a very strong mentholated soaps/creams/***. The numbing effects of the menthol may or may not irritate your skin. Yet as with the Bay Rum 'burn' so too is there a Mentholated 'cool'. These go hand in hand in my opinion. Bay Rum is supposed to heat up.

Too bad Charles pulled this product as it is my favorite. But I bought out the rest of his stock (tubs not shave sticks) so I will be fine for a few years to come. :w00t: :w00t:
4.00 star(s)
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The QED bay rum is a good soap - its got a very strong bay/clove scent - probably the strongest-scented bay rum product I've ever tried.

I get good lather (I have the shave stick - I get better results with the QED shave sticks than I do with the tubs for some reason).

My only issue is that there's so much EO in the soap that it does irritate my skin - to the point that I only use this soap occasionally and never with a straight (because it takes longer to shave the soap is on my face longer and causes too much irritation).

So, my view is that, while this is a good product, you should buy it only if you REALLY like bay rum and don't have sensitive skin.
3.00 star(s)
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3.00 star(s)
This is (IMHO) the best Bay Rum soap out there. It has a great scent and makes a very effective lather.

I would warn anyone with sensitive skin to be cautious with this soap as the scent is strong enough in the soap to irritate the skin. I did not have any problem with it but was warned by QED.

I find this and QED's Limes to be two of my Shave Den constants. :thumbup:
4.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)

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