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Arko Citrus Shaving Cream

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Sorry I don't have a digital camera, but I did want to review this product. I need to say that I was gifted this by a great member of B&B, so I hope this doesn't rub anyone the wrong way, so here it goes.

Arko's creams in boxes are pretty much standard, no frills stuff. Nothing earthshattering in their approach to delivery.

The Cream
The cream consistency is pretty loose and easily transferred from tube to brush. It has a sort of glistening appearance.

The Aroma
This has to be one of the big disappointments for me with this cream. When I smell the cream, it's like it's wanting to smell great but there's just no power behind the scent. If Arko cranked up the scent in this cream, it would be much nicer and more pleasent. Throughout the shave, I'm saying to myself: "do I smell oranges or not? I think I do?" Vastly understated in this cream, it could be a LOT better. :mad3: If you stick your nose right into the cream, you can smell the citrus scent pretty well. Reminds me of orange popsicles with a hint of orange juice. But the aroma is very faint.

The next gripe I have with this cream is it's toughness of latherability. I have tried & tried & tried to get the water/cream ratio correct and no matter what I try, this stuff is just too hard to get a mediocre lather, let alone anything worthwhile. If you are not JUST right with the ratio, you'll get a watery frothy drool that you might as well just pour out and start over. And when I finally did get something halfway decent to put on my face, it just kinda smears on and leaves blank spots on my face, almost like more cream stayed on the brush than on my face. Bizarre.

Lubricity & Moisturizing Properties
This is my major gripe, now that I'm griping. :blushing: This stuff just doesn't sit right with my face. The lubricity is bad, very bad. My face feels so sensitive and raw after I'm done shaving that I won't be touching this stuff with a ten foot pole. This is the first cream I've used in quite a long time that will leave weepers on my face and red splotches all over it. In fact, when I hydrosol after the shave, it stings my face and that NEVER happens. Funny enough, this doesn't happen with the Arko shave soap, so I don't know if this is only a cream problem or if it's just a Citrus problem. Both times after I shaved with this crap, I've immediately told myself 'tomorrow has to be Taylor's Avocado just to help calm my face down.

Arko is hard to be beaten on price, so it provides a tremendous value in this department.

I know Arko provides a good value and there are some products of theirs that I consider okay, but overall, this is a disappointment. Remember, this is just my opinion so don't throw too many arrows at me. As far as Arko's creams, I just don't get the whole thing with them? I mean, they seem okay, but nothing like the English stuff. I'll be passing on this one from now on.

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I'll start with the scent: it is artifical citrus, but I found it to be a very pleasant one, great for warm days. There is much worse out there.

This Arko has, in my opinion, two things going for it: it is dirt cheap (I payed €2 for 100 ml, and from what I read that is a high price already), and is loaded with glycerin which moisturises my skin very well.

But there are a few snags. For one thing, it is not a very concentrated cream so in order to create a meaningful amount of lather you cannot economise. However, at €2 I really cannot complain: you're already economising by buying the product. The second issue is much worse: despite a good-looking lather which feels okay between the tips of my fingers too, the actual shave is lacking. The lather is not sufficiently slick nor protective no matter how much cream I use to build the lather (I've varied between a lot and a little), with the result that my skin is scraped too hard, even when being very careful with the blade. After the shave, the skin is smooth, but tender, more so than with other products I've tried to date. And then there's a third issue, closely related to number two: the lather begins to bite gently on the third pass, meaning that my skin, already slightly irritated, disagrees with something in the cream.

I would have loved to put this cheap product in daily rotation with a triumphant feeling of 'quality needn't be expensive', but alas, it was not to be. The tube ended up in the trash. Still, given the price it is amazing what you get---you'd do well to find out if you agree with Arko.
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Moisturizing Properties
5.00 star(s)
I get a decent shave with this cream. I fiond that it lathers OK and it's fairly slick, in line with several other inexpensive shave creams. Where this cream really disappointed me was the scent. Somehow it does not smell clean, it's unfocused.
Sorry, but I won't buy this again, even at the low price.
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Moisturizing Properties
3.00 star(s)
I am not a fan of this shaving cream and the more I use arko - the more I run into mixed results. I too find my face a bit beat up after using this cream - and although mighty inexpensive - I will not be purchasing arko in the future.
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Moisturizing Properties
3.00 star(s)

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