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So GRUME is What Exactly...?

I keep running in to this "Grume" thing. I don't get it...restraint until months end? For what? Seriously, I have never heard of anything so damn stupid in my life. To not go after something you might want for what? To appear steadfast in the resolve to not get what you want?
I understand...RAD will bite you from time to time. But grume? Really? I have made some bad decisions before but they've always been mine. I never had to go online to declare my perfidies before anyone else and I will not change that. So in front of all who pledge Grume, I say...not me. I will continue to do as I please without worrying about who thinks what about what I do in any sort of negative context. If that makes any sense at all...excellent!
GRUME BE DAMNED! HooWah! Sense of humour accepted...ONLY...again HooWah!
I can't speak for anyone else, but for me it's just a reminder to exercise some restraint. Do I really need that? Maybe I should wait. it's not like the other folks in the thread are watching my purchase history. I'm not doing it for them.

I know that on several occasions this month (my first doing it) I've resisted the temptation to purchase more of something I tried a sample of and liked, only to discover I would have wanted something else instead a few days later. Right now I've got a few products on my "plan to buy" list based on experience this month, but it won't surprise me at all if that list changes entirely two or more times between now and month end. So GRUME has saved me money and a certain amount of annoyance with myself over jumping the gun.

I suspect that for some of the others it's also a way to help them resist the urge to buy more stuff when they have more on hand already than they can ever use. It's one more reason to focus on what they have rather than chasing new. It's not that one is better than the other, but the reminder to enjoy what you have can be helpful.
It's a fun way to hold myself accountable and not make more frivolous purchases. At some point you've got enough stuff and anything extra is the equivalent of burning a $20 bill to light your pipe. Yeah, a single 20 isn't a huge deal, but when you do that multiple times a month it does add up.

A lot of the shaving equipment we buy isn't considered expensive, so the temptation is there to say "no big deal". But again, do that multiple times and it does add up over time. We could all use support in different ways and the GRUME is nothing more than us supporting one another in working towards a common goal. No need to hate on that. 🍻
I think it started with annual restraints. That seemed a bit too much for some people, so the GRUME came about as a variable-length restraint. You can "renew" your decision each month if you want to continue (or not).

Some religions encourage regular periods of fasting. It's a period of restraint that is supposed to benefit you. The same religions usually have feast days, too, BTW.

In a consumer-oriented society, people are always being encouraged to acquire more, more and more stuff. This message percolates through forums like this one. People are always posting about their latest acquisitions, or asking what is the best trinket so they don't miss out. Did you ever notice you don't hear very many messages asking "How much is enough?". That's what the restraints are for -- just a reminder you don't have to buy more stuff, what you have is sufficient for now.
GRUME is helpful when the hobby becomes buying instead of shaving

PS: you do care about what other people think, otherwise you wouldn’t have vented here
I don't know, in the end all the razors shave, the soaps lather up and the brushes all brush. And I have to do it daily! So the "shaving" aspect is accomplished (and enjoyed) by me every day.
And I like to "buy and try" new stuff, so for me the buying and shaving go hand in hand.
Most hobbies cost money as you progress so I don't see this one as any different.
I'm not saying that restraint shouldn't exist with the hobby but @huck1680 makes some valid points with his
opinion. And honestly, he's completely entitled to it without any push back!
That's just my personal opinion!
Oh yep. We should all just roll over in the face of his insults and that's all good with you? Thanks for sharing...
Maybe I interpret things different or something but I didn't see any insults in his comments. All I read was an opinion and not some diatribe. And he even pointed out "me" and "I" more than once. So what I understood was what he would do which differs with other possible opinions (including yours and mine). Notice that I said "He makes some valid points". I never said that it was all valid or that I agreed with it 100%! Remember, I didn't start the thread, I merely stated how I received the information. And it was obviously received differently by you. And that's OK too!
I also think that you missed the attempted humor towards the end. Meaning that I don't think he meant any harm with what he said. In a forum where everything is based solely on text (without any emotions with cues that we normally use in real life), it's sometimes difficult to express things correctly which can sometimes cause unintended adverse reactions from others (such as taking in the information as abrasive). But with all due respect, I'm the guy that believes that everyone is entitled to their opinion whether you (or me) like it or not. It's quite simple for me: If I read something that I don't like or agree with, I move on!
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Maybe I interpret things different or something but I didn't see any insults in his comments. All I read was an opinion and not some diatribe. And he even pointed out "me" and "I" more than once. So what I understood was what he would do which differs with other possible opinions (including yours and mine). Notice that I said "He makes some valid points". I never said that it was all valid or that I agreed with it 100%! Remember, I didn't start the thread, I merely stated how I received the information. And it was obviously received differently by you. And that's OK too!
I also think that you missed the attempted humor towards the end. Meaning that I don't think he meant any harm with what he said. In a forum where everything is based solely on text (without any emotions with cues that we normally use in real life), it's sometimes difficult to express things correctly which can sometimes cause unintended adverse reactions from others (such as taking in the information as abrasive). But with all due respect, I'm the guy that believes that everyone is entitled to their opinion whether you (or me) like it or not. It's quite simple for me: If I read something that I don't like or agree with, I move on!

Well said, @LRod, my thoughts exactly.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Why would anyone care what someone else decides to do regarding their purchasing habits?
If you want to participate, do so.
If you don't - then don't.
You said:
I will continue to do as I please without worrying about who thinks what about what I do in any sort of negative context.
I'd say that people who choose to participate in GRUME are doing exactly that.
It is the height of hypocrisy to say you can do as you please, but someone doing what they please is "stupid".

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
GRUME is a good idea. Some of us are addicts, so staying clean one day at a time, one month at a time, one year at a time is much more likely to work than attempting to go cold turkey forever, overnight. Break your restraint into manageable chunks and celebrate small victories.

There’s nothing stopping you from doing GRUME one month, then again the next month, and so on.

I’m Mr. Shavington (pronounced ‘Shavvington’) and I’m a shaving gear addict.
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