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Which Stirling Unscented Shave Soaps to buy ?

Which Stirling Unscented is the best choice?

  • Naked and Smooth

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Sheep (Mutton)

    Votes: 16 47.1%
  • Unscented with Beeswax

    Votes: 17 50.0%

  • Total voters
I am a huge fan of the Stirling Soap base and looking to add one or two unscented soap bases to my collection. However, I'm not sure which to pick so I am seeking your opinions and votes. I tend to enjoy tallow soaps so I have included them in this poll.

Do any of them have funky scents ? I know some have complained you can still smell the base soap.

If you are someone who has tried the different stirling scentless can you describe the difference between them or give me a recommendation?

Thank you!
I voted beeswax. It has a very mild aroma, barely noticeable to me. I haven't used the other two unscented but I've used quite a bit of both sheep and beef tallow Stirling soaps. I find that the beeswax version performs better than the standard beef base, and at least as good as the sheep base. There is another gentleman here who likes the beeswax better than either. Probably a YMMV situation but if you're a Stirling fan I think it would be worth trying, as it is somewhat different from their regular offerings.
That's a very hard choice to make. All of them are great soaps. Sheep's lather is probably a smidgen richer than the others. It's also a wee bit softer, so you may plow through the tub a bit quicker. Sheep has a prominent smell of rendered fat. Not a bad smell, just the smell of the fat you'd collect from the drippings of a roast. So if you shave with a full stomach, Sheep may be just a bit too much. :) Sheep, to me, is one I like to always keep on hand. For me the toss up is between N&S or Beeswax. Beeswax wins the unscented war for the least scent. Personally, I would take all three over any veg*n soap. Most veg*n soaps tend to dry out my skin. So for an added bonus, I'd choose N&S over CSS. But YMMV. :)
Having used all three I'd choose Unscented With Beeswax as my top choice. It's a beef tallow soap but it somehow manages to hit differently than any other Stirling beef tallow soap I've tried.

Sheep is a mutton tallow soap, of course, and it's a strong second place. Some people can detect a gamey smell from this soap. I've never actually picked up on it, personally.

Naked and Smooth is typical Stirling excellence, it's just outdone by the other two, in my experience.
I am a huge fan of the Stirling Soap base and looking to add one or two unscented soap bases to my collection. However, I'm not sure which to pick so I am seeking your opinions and votes. I tend to enjoy tallow soaps so I have included them in this poll.

Do any of them have funky scents ? I know some have complained you can still smell the base soap.

If you are someone who has tried the different stirling scentless can you describe the difference between them or give me a recommendation?

Thank you!
One of the best ways to make an educated decision in this instance would be to order a sample of each soap which will provide you with an estimated 30 shaves each which should be plenty to make an informed decision and cut out the guessing... That said the only one of these I've tried is Sheep and I was one of those that caught the gamey scent from it unlathered and lathered. I have seen quite a bit of chatter recently about the Unscented w/ Beeswax that has been very positive though. Good luck in your search...
I’m impressed with the sheep, haven’t tried the others. I picked up some scent off it, but not at all bothered by it. Tried it solo then mixed that sample with a Williams puck and that made it a nicely usable frankensoap.

Samples are definitely easy and I’m kinda surprised that took as long as it did for that suggestion.
I did end up getting the sheep and beeswax. The beeswax was excellent, I absolutely love it, stirling soap base is so good. Stirling soap prices are just fantastic and was pleasantly surprised how firm the soaps are. I'm more a fan of firm soaps so I can load from the tub. Sheep is up next, I will use it tonight or tomorrow. Can't wait to use it!
I did end up getting the sheep and beeswax. The beeswax was excellent, I absolutely love it, stirling soap base is so good. Stirling soap prices are just fantastic and was pleasantly surprised how firm the soaps are. I'm more a fan of firm soaps so I can load from the tub. Sheep is up next, I will use it tonight or tomorrow. Can't wait to use it!
Stirling is excellent soap. I could use Stirling exclusively for the rest of my life and be perfectly content.
I see I'm a little late to the party, but I voted naked and smooth. When I was first starting out I bought a bunch of Stirling samples in different scents. Every sample worked great for shaving, but I never found a scent that I really liked. Since then, I've always had a tub of N and S. I do plan on trying the sheep and beeswax soon to compare.
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