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A friend of mine called me a weirdo when he saw all my razors! My response " your an ignorant fool for using a $250 electric razor." I have to admit owning a collection of razors (around 30) is a little odd. My shave den is kept out of site, neatly organized in the linen closet. The only thing I keep in the bathroom is the razor I'm currently using, witch hazel, one aftershave and a bowl. Just these few items have sparked many conversations fueled by curiosity. Viewing pictures of some extensive and quite impressive shave dens some of you have, brought forth the question, What are the reactions of your guests after seeing your shave den?
My collection is rather small, but most of my friends rock prepubescent beards in their 20s and don't even understand shaving. They tell me what a waste of money I want to spend when they see me checking ebay for a hundred dollar razor lol.
This recently came up when I had my family and a few friends over to my place on the 4th of July.
It actually became the topic of discussion during our dinner. They all knew it was a hobby of mine already, but they were all very curious to see/talk about all the aftershaves and razors on my counter.
Luckily, no one scoffed at my addiction!
my friends all think i'm already kind of looney. most of the guys i know check them out and think its pretty cool. Almost everyone goes through and starts sniffing my shaving soaps, aftershaves, and colognes. All my female friends think it is a little bit overboard, but they do think its a great that a guy takes such pride in his grooming habits.
All my friends thought I was nuts before the DE obsession. This was just the final nail in the "he's full blown looney tunes" coffin.

Although a few of them may be seeing the light as this being the better way to shave.
people who know me well know I take shaving seriously as it usually comes up.
What some fail to see at first is that it becomes a full fledge hobby for many.
Most appreciate it though, especially the brush. they always think that's cool,, and seeing my brother's straight razor in his den makes some men drool or bring forth so many questions
I don't talk to people about shaving and I never let anyone know I own 8 razors and a dozen creams/soaps. I also keep it all in a drawer in the bedroom

Whenever someone around me starts talking about how expensive fusion cars are, I just say "yeah, there are a few good alternatives you could look into." and I let that subject die right there.

I met a woman the other day who collected old hand fans. I didn't understand it and she seemed like she really wanted to talk about her collection. I remembered how it feels to have no one to talk about my hobbies with because they didn't get it, so I indulged her and let her go on about it.

All hobbies are like this. People are not in your hobby think you're weird and you think other hobbies are odd. Just be respectful about it.
The only items that I'll have on the bathroom counter are a soap/cream, my bowl, a razor, an aftershave, a brush, and my shave oil. Guests will usually comment on how nice and shiny the razor is, and how the soap and/or aftershave smells good. It seems like most people can't help themselves when it comes to sniffing my shaving products. I can't really blame them, because that's one of my greatest joys as well. My grandma is visiting right now, and I caught her sniffing my Cella. She said she almost tasted it. I told her that I did too when I first got it.
Since I keep my gear in the bathroom cabinet every person that visits snoops. Usually the comments have been very positive the general attitude is that all of my shave gear is elegant and refined. I hope I never get a bad remark since my wife just puts up with my obsession and would agree to any negative comment lol.
Outside of the family, I don't think anyone has seen any of my gear. Come to think of it, my parents and mother in law gave me cash at Christmas to get hinge started and have never really asked about it. They have seen it but never commented. Kinda hurts the feelings a little.

Not really, they have their vices and I have mine.
I keep my daily setup on the bathroom counter. No one ever comments on it when they come over except for a guy from church who, upon seeing my gear, revealed that he's also a shave-geek.
I keep some of most favorite soaps on the bathroom counter with my brushes. The only comment I can remember is "I always love your bathroom. So many interesting things to look at."

Plus we really don't have many guests.
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