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Survival Knives.Your Choice for the Zombie Apocalypse

I surely don't want to rely on ANY knife for defense against a member of the Zombie Nation, but I am sure I want a great knife at my side for myriad outdoor environments, whether or not the Walking Undead are involved.

So what's your choice for the best (yes..best-if you think a Chinese Ka-Bar copy is the best knife available for a survival/extreme duty application, please do some research) blade to have on hand.

I'll suggest a few here. Yes..some are pretty spendy, but knives are indeed a get what you pay for product for the most part.

1. Randall Attack 14..they don't get much better than this one. Big, sharp, ready for abuse. I was scheduled to go to Kurdistan on a project a few years back (got cancelled though). This was the blade I was taking

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2. Randall 15 Airman (w/modified micarta scales)...I love this knife. Just as durable as the Model 14, but in a more compact size. Designed for use by the military as an aircrew rescue knife. Can't go wrong here either


3. Robert Gardner "Soldier's Knife"..one of a kind. Gardner was a custom knife maker from West Palm Beach, FL who sadly is no longer in the business. This is probably the best example of a no-holds-barred, devoid of frills, blood n' guts blade. Made of 1095 steel and a hamon finish. The rough finish micarta scales validate this as a definitive example of what a competent blade smith can do with the simplest design concepts. Oh..he made the scabbard too.


4. Grohmann Russell Canadian Belt Knife "Survival" model...the least severe of my extreme duty blade collection (and the least pricey as well). Probably more knife than most people would ever need for all but extreme outdoor use. Made has seen more than its share of duty, though for severe applications, you might do better.


So...what do y'all carry??

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The Instigator
Life's about choices, and those are some nice choices.

Wish I had a Randall (Astro), but if I did, I wouldn't be batoning it into firewood ... which brings actual use to mind.

I would have said I like and use Ka-Bars ... but not for cutting brush; a parang, golok or khukuri is for that. Lately this Kershaw Camp 10:


I keep a 3" serrated on my belt everywhere, and recently attached one to the gear shift in my car. Also, a very thick bladed well sharpened bowie beside the seat to grab easy if needed. If something were gonna happen, I think I'd buy a few more of those.



B&B’s Champion Corn Shucker
Here's my go to Zombie stomper. It's a custom made Damascus blade in horn. If I'm hunting, camping or hiking I have it on my side. It's been around.


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I have one of these given to me by an uncle a few years back. Great big knife. Very sharp and the hand guard is wicked.
No such thing as "the" knife - you have too many situations from wood chop to food prep to game skinning in an Apocalypse scenario.
I have a couple Cold Steel Kukuri machetes that I've sharpened up - these things are indestructible and chop better than an ax + will do all Bushcraft chores, are deadly as a weapon (historical accounts of the Gurka are a fun read!) and throw really well too.
For smaller tasks, there are so many choices, but you can buy a dozen Cold Steel Kudu knives and come out spending less than equal performer pocket knives. Like the Kukri, you can have multiple and put 'em where ya need 'em (cars, different rooms) . Both retain an edge and are easy to resharpen, with the Kudu being great a food prep.
ESEE-5. One of my good friends weho is an active duty SEAL carries one of these. Thats's all I need to know.



Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Sorry, stock photo only, but this is what I have.


... wow is it a cool zombie-destroyer!!
Some fine looking cutlery here guys...old school, new tech, even a bit of "First Blood" thrown in for balance. Nice.....
Where does knife end a sword begin? Because I'd have this:


This is a "Celtic short sword" with 20-inch blade. How Celtic it is may be debatable, of course, but a pretty nice piece of work in my opinion, and an effective zombie dispatcher.

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The Instigator
Being a Celt, I dig it. Hope it's well-made, though. I've seen a poorly-made copy of that ...

Generally speaking, poorly-made stainless-steel swords can be dangerous. Though low-grade stainless is OK for (small) knives, cheapo swords can crack/break and fling the broken blade- becoming truly dangerous.

There's a great (well. instructional) Home Shopping Channel vid where the guy is showing how "tough" their 440-stainless "samurai" swords are when it breaks and cuts him.

BLUF: cheap knives are OK for most use. Cheap swords are scary.


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The Instigator

If "most use" is defined as "cutting peanut butter sandwiches" most cheap knives are OK. BudK sells a lot of them! :lol:

My point was a cheap SWORD is truly dangerous to be around.

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