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Should you be “committed” to the BOSC (Brotherhood of Shaving Crazies)?

Which category do you fall under?

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This is a thank you post for introducing me to the TFS soaps, and if I remember correctly it was one of the BOSC members with whom I had a chat about these soaps and they were highly recommended.


I absolutely loved the Intense Line of TFS soaps and both of these soaps are excellent performers :001_wub:

Rasozero scores noticeably less than the Intense Line but it definitely holds on it's own.

I'm glad that I remembered the recommendation and got them when I was out of GRUME.
I absolutely loved the Intense Line of TFS soaps and both of these soaps are excellent performers :001_wub:
I have three of their four Intense Line soaps:
  1. TFS Linea Intenso Mandarino Tachibana,
  2. TFS Linea Intenso Rabarbaro Italiano, and
  3. TFS Linea Intenso Tabacum Crepito.
Mandarino Tachibana is MY ALL TIME FAVORITE :001_wub:.*

* That's out of all the shaving soaps/creams I've used during my nearly six year shaving career at B&B.

Of course, something I like better could come along. Anything is possible at the BOSC. :letterk1:
I voted #2... although not really sure whether that's an accurate description.

I enjoy this forum, enjoy a lot of good info & discussions on variety of topics and if I can - I try to help by sharing my own experiences and thoughts.

So, the B&B has become a hobby, shaving itself - not so much. I really like shaving, but my time here has been a quest for finding THE ONE razor. I never had an intention of collecting various razors... it just happened along the way... they are the "by-product" and "tuition fee" of finding the one.


ancient grey sweatophile
Sadly or happily, depending on one's perspective, I am about a 1.5. I have enjoyed a fairly straightforward and not terribly costly journey to find a razor, blade, brush, and soap with which I greatly enjoy each and every shave, and the fineness of these products has been sufficient to keep me from any acquisition disorders. I greatly enjoy B & B, but I have pretty much abandoned posting on the "What did you...today?" threads due to embarrassment over the paucity and receptiveness of my offerings.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
@Tirvine - I don’t always read every SotD post, but I suspect your Above The Tie Windsor razors, MdC soaps, and Simpson and Kent brushes provide amazing shaves.

My razor postings in the Micromatic Monday thread rarely change, either, but I’d rather misuse a small handful of razors than grossly misuse a larger hoard.


ancient grey sweatophile
@Tirvine - I don’t always read every SotD post, but I suspect your Above The Tie Windsor razors, MdC soaps, and Simpson and Kent brushes provide amazing shaves.

My razor postings in the Micromatic Monday thread rarely change, either, but I’d rather misuse a small handful of razors than grossly misuse a larger hoard.
Shaving equipment is, to me, a lot like golfing equipment. I just play better when I use things that are familiar, even though there are other options out there that many would say are objectively superior. My irons are almost as old as my swing.
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