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SE Assimilation Tour - The Canadian Edition!

Chris' post's make me realize what a great opportunity we have been given all thanks to Luc.

Whether the shave meets our expectations and leads us to eventually purchase an SE, or whether we decide an SE is not for us, at least we are being given the chance to try one.

Just out of interest, Chris, how many shaves do you normally get from a DE blade? I tend to get two good shaves and the third pulls, so I've been chucking blades after two shaves for comfort sake.

Also, what DE razors do you currently use?
I usually do 3 shaves with a DE, though have stretched much longer on a blade on occasion. I find once they suffer an initial loss of keenness they seem fairly stable and remain usable for quite awhile longer.

As for what blades, after being happy with one brand for quite awhile I've been experimenting again, for the most part recently I've been using Feathers and Gillette Silver Blue. Recently I've also used Derby, Wilkinson Sword, Shark, and Ladas.

Also Deacon, I need your address. I'll probably pass the razor on the beginning of next week if that works for you.
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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Not mandatory but if you feel like it, please post some pictures!
I just finished my final shave with the razor, sanitized it, and packed it up to go in the mail tomorrow. Here are my final thoughts:

Things I liked:
-I actually kind of liked the light weight of this razor (36g with a blade, my NEW LC is 56g for comparison)
-The overall shape and geometry of the razor is quite nice. I found finding and maintaining the proper angle quite easy. The handle also felt nice and was very easy to grip.
-Combining the above point with the mild nature of the razor would make this a very good beginner razor.
-Not having to keep track of which side of the blade you are using is also kind of nice.
-Over 5 shaves I did not notice any deterioration in keenness of the blade.

Things I didn't like:
-The only complaint I have about the razor itself is, that unlike a TTO or multi-piece DE, you can't loosen it off for rinsing and drying the blade. I prefer to partially open my DE's for rinsing when done with them, then leave them that way to fully dry. If you attempt to do that with this razor there is nothing holding the blade captive. This is ultimately a minor issue though.
-The blade. It never felt as sharp or smooth as the DEs I'm used to. Each time I got a fair bit of tugging going WTG on my neck, something I've never experienced even with Derby Extra or other purportedly 'dull' DE blades.

Final Conclusion:
Though I really liked the design of the razor, I can't see myself getting an SE unless there are better blades out there. The uncomfortable tugging on my neck overshadows all of the advantages the razor offers.

And, once again, thank you to Luc for making this all possible. I really enjoyed trying out the razor!
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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Thanks for the review Chris, that's very good! I understand that it won't be for everyone and I'm very happy that you are sharing your experience!
Received the razor today. Getting ready for tonight's shave. Thanks Chris, thanks Luc!

First impression:

I found the razor felt great sitting in my hand and it was very intuitive to shave with. I had a couple of small weepers and a bit of razor burn but I resolved myself to shaving as I would with a de to see how it would work.

I would say it was not as mild as my weber but its certainly not an aggressive razor more like a slim on 3.
Thanks for sharing your first impressions! I'm interested to see how others fare with it. As a side note, how is that Body Shop shave soap?

It was by far the most mild razor I've shaved with, but my experience is limited to a Merkur Futur, NEW LC, and a 40's Superspeed. I'm thinking maybe I should give a Tech a try, as I didn't mind the mildness.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Great stuff!

The body shop shave soap is a very good soap IMO. It works well, it's easy to work with. The scent is particular (like any product, you might love, hate or be it's okay) but it's a product that I wouldn't mind picking up. Considering how easy it is to access too...

Glad that you liked the shave, I'm sure you will get around the small issues that you had in no time.
Okay full disclosure: Here is a picture of three items.


The first item (on the left) is kind of how I envisioned an SE razor would look like. Anytime I saw them on eBay or on the forum here it was always hard for me to figure out how big they were. They looked enormous. Be honest, if the item on the left had 'Gem Cutlery Corp' stamped on the back you would try and shave with it, wouldn't you?

The middle item is the Gem featherweight. It's actually kind of small especially when it's compared to the item on the right a Merkur Futur which I affectionately refer to as the dumptruck of the DE world.

Having a chance to hold the Gem in my hands and shave with it has opened my eyes to a new world of shaving (just when I thought I was done with RAD).

The item on the left makes me think of the Gem 1912 for some reason.:001_smile

I'll post later tonight or tomorrow morning after shave #2. Cheers.
Shave #2 went considerably better. I realized what went with shave #1 - too much pressure (rookie mistake, I know better).

The handle on the gem and the angle of the head make it easier to shave under my chin.I'm doing a 3 pass with touch ups. I'm warming up to this razor quite quickly.

The stiffness that the thicker blade affords eliminates any skip but they don't quite feel the same as an Astra or shark in the futur. That's not a bad thing necessarily, its just a different feel.
Shaves 3 and 4 went very well. Both were comfortable and close. On shave 5 the razor pulled quite a bit. I'm surprised to get 5 shaves from a blade. I usually average 2 good shaves from a DE blade.

I found a mint featherweight on eBay today for $15 BIN so I bought it. I guess I'm assimilated :001_smile.

I guess i'll pick up some blades from Connaught Shaving to feed my obsession. I'll scrub the razor with soap and water and then soak it in alcohol before I mail it out.
The razor went out today to Merk61. Good luck!

I think I need to head to the antique store to see if they still have that Gem Damaskeene and the Eveready 1914:001_smile.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Razor is flying above Montreal at the moment to Merk61...

Good work so far Gents!
The razor and blades were in the mail box when I got home today. At first inspection it's a neat little instrument . I too thought it would be larger. Further thoughts after my first shave.

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