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Recommendations for a mild razor?

Hello everyone,

I've used a Merkur 34c for over a year now, and I really do like it. I recently purchased a Fattip piccolo and a Mühle R41, but I am finding them just too aggressive for my face... I'll try 2-3 more times each, but I think I need a more mild razor.

What sort of razor would you suggest is mild like a 34c, but also a step up in quality?

Looking forward for your advice.


Ditto, ditto
Wow… 34C to R41? BIG leap, mate. Kind of like going from a butter knife to a chainsaw.

Not sure of your budget, but, in my (and many, many gents on here) opinion, you can’t beat the Lambda Athena for a top quality, mild razor.

Another option is to look at vintage Gillette Techs.

Good luck!
For a quite different experience (handle, head design) but similar degree of mildness you may want to try the Henson mild.

If you are looking for a "high end 34" i.e. shaves/handles just like the 34 but is SS or whatever you may not find it. I never did.
I've used a Merkur 34c for over a year now, and I really do like it. I recently purchased a Fattip piccolo and a Mühle R41, but I am finding them just too aggressive for my face... I'll try 2-3 more times each, but I think I need a more mild razor.
Before buying more razors have you considered if using a pre-shave oil would resolve the situation?

Oil enables me to get close and comfortable shaves with more aggressive razors that I wouldn't otherwise be able to use. For convenience I prefer the water soluble type that washes off hands quickly. I had to try a few brands of oil to get one that works well for me. I also learnt not to be stingy and apply a fair quantity and spread it well. Less skin damage also improves appearance and reduces the need for aftershave balm - prevention is better than cure.

However if you do like the 34C look/feel and want to buy a higher build quality razor then maybe one of the stainless steel Razorock closed comb GameChangers with their HD handle.

Leaf Thorn or Twig razor. The Twig is milder than the Thorn. It uses half of a double edge blade.

Leaf Thorn.JPG
RazoRock Game Changer .76P or .84P is a good starter for the aggressiveness range you're going for. The .68P baseplate will probably be too mild for you. The 34C is NOT the mildest razor on the block. The Karve Overlander gets fantastic reviews here, if you want to spend more money.

By the way, I did the same 34C to R41 hop about a year ago, and I also found it a leap too far. After getting the Game Changer as a next step, I've gone down the vintage Gillette rabbit hole lately, but that's more for fun and enjoyment than because I need any of them to get a good shave.

A more basic question for @taiga : what do you mean by "quality"? Is there some aspect to your shaves with the 34C that left you unsatisfied? A "fancier" razor isn't necessarily going to give you a better shave (though some will). So much depends on your prep and technique.

Even with a zamac head, your 34C should last you many years before you'd see any wear and tear. Mine gave me about a decade of trouble-free service before I started seeing corrosion on the lower edge of the safety bar, probably due to a bad plating job.


System Generated
RazoRock Mamba (53) is my daily razor (every other day shaver actually). It's perfect.

It beats all other razors in my collection, past or present.
This page should give you some ideas.

Several of the RazoRock models have been mentioned already, and the second part (non-RR razors) puts other makes into the same "aggressiveness" bins.

My RR Lupo Al is mild (I think milder than the DE89), made of machined aluminum, not very expensive (as machined razors go).

You might also consider an adjustable razor; there are several recent threads that discuss "Which adjustable?".

. . . What's your budget?

. Charles
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