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PIF: Living Off the Fat of the Lamb

I'm in - just posted in Order of the Fat thread. Never tried MWF, but I would love a chance. I'm not buying any more soaps until I finish my starter kit soaps and creams that I bought 6 months ago.

I'm in! I would love to give MWF a try.

I'm really loving both MWF, but perhaps even more Haslinger Schafsmilch.

Is there a Haslinger Schafmilch Rasierseife unscented soap which smells similar to MWF? And, beside MWF, and Haslinger, who else is offering lanolin, sheeps milk, and mutton fat based soaps?

I'm in, thanks!!

Gents, in order to be in you must post in The Order of the Fat thread. Saying that you are in here won't get you in the running. So if you haven't already, hustle on over there and post.
I'm in! I actually already have the MWF in a ceramic dish but I'm putting together a kit for Xmas(including a replated birth quarter red-tip and fat boy) and it would be great to give him some of my favorite soap. That Fatip would be for me :001_smile
You have to post in The Order of the Fat thread to qualify.

I'm in! I actually already have the MWF in a ceramic dish but I'm putting together a kit for Xmas(including a replated birth quarter red-tip and fat boy) and it would be great to give him some of my favorite soap. That Fatip would be for me :001_smile
Great gesture! I'll pass and let some inexperienced Fat users get the attempt but I wanted to say very well played Sir...class act!
I'm in . I have no problems using this soap following Marco's method and using warm , not hot water . I also leave a teaspoon of water on the puck after use to make lathering easy next time .
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