... no, this is journal is not about "Brother Fat". Neither is it about dietary choices.
This will be a place where I jot down some short updates on my journey to find a replacement for the tallow based version of Mitchell's Wool Fat.
As mentioned in a post in this 80-pages long thread on the reformulation, I had been using the MWF soap exclusively* for more than a decade when I discovered the reformulation back in early August. The discovery was accidental, I was not active in any shave-forums, subreddits or other corners of the internet where wet shaving related news are likely to reach. Nor do I read ingredient lists. I noticed it because I for some reason decided to read the order confirmation for Connaught (I normally never do this) and noticed the words "PALM Formula" behind the familiar "Mitchell's Wool Fat".
Most things change, sometimes for the better and often for the worse. I was not able to stock up on a lifetime's supply on tallow MWF as most places had run out of it by August. (That is unless one is willing to pay absurd prices for it from ebay seller. I am not.) So a replacement is needed.
Since I had already ordered two new pucks of MWF it made sense to start out by trying that. I also picked up a puck of the DR Harris Lavender soap, as another tallow based triple-milled soap that supposedly work well for other people with sensitive skin. So those two were the first contenders.
I will post some notes on the results from "Round 1" a bit later. Suffice it to say, for now, neither left me completely satisfied, so the search continues. "Round 2" which is still ongoing, involves two Haslinger soaps. There's a couple of other things on the way in the mail as well. Might as well use this as an opportunity to indulge in some of the "shaving related acquisition disorder" which I have denied myself for a good decade. Until a worthy replacement has been found and a new king crowned, of course.
Hopefully it won't become an endless white whale search.
* (Or almost exclusively, I later recalled (and my email order history confirmed) that I had given the Haslinger Schafmilch (old tallow formula) a try back in 2016. It did not dethrone the MWF and take it's place.)