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New gilette slim advice

So I reviewed my slim today it is great I will get it cleaned but how do I know the adjustable mechanism works it turns and clicks but with a blade in how will I know the difference, I am new to this apologies
No apologies needed. The higher the setting, the more aggressive the shave. It is recommended to open the razor before changing the setting. Then close up and be sure to make a final 1/4 turn to set the blade.

Enjoy the shaves!
Thanks maybe got my wires crossed but apart from noticing it in the shave is there any differences if say I put the blade in and adjusted it would I see any differences on the razor before shaving or are they minute
No apologies needed. The higher the setting, the more aggressive the shave. It is recommended to open the razor before changing the setting. Then close up and be sure to make a final 1/4 turn to set the blade.

Enjoy the shaves!

+1. Congrats on an excellent razor! I learned on a slim when I was a teen.
With regards to the last 1/4 turn to lock is it just a quarter turn or is it all the way till it stops turning which is roughly a quarter
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