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Blade gap range on Fatboy and Slim


Slickness is a sickness
I was thinking of using my Gillette Slim for today's "Vintage April" shave...a razor that I've owned for nearly two years...and never used. 😳

My first thought was:

I'd like to set the gap near the same as my pre-war Techs, but first need to know the approximate gaps on the Slim at the various settings.

Now, before you think "do a search, you lazy #@$%&#, note that I DID, in fact, go to the blade gap chart in the "stickies" to seek the info. The chart lists many razors, with the gaps in mm.

Below the chart it says:

Slim and Fat Boy range from .022 @ 1 to .045 @ 9

That can't be mm...I mean, the chart lists a C2 (1957) Tech at .59mm, so I'm assuming the numbers above for the Slim and Fatboy are inches?

I know, none of this really matters, just set the razor to 4-5 and shave, but my curiosity won't allow me to let this go.

Can somebody offer the approximate blade gaps for the Slim in mm, so I can do an apples to apples comparison, and sleep soundly tonight??? 😆😆😆
That can't be mm...
It’s not.

so I'm assuming the numbers above for the Slim and Fatboy are inches?

Correct. If I recall correctly techs range from .022 to .025.

Slim starts at .015 and fatboy at .011 from the table below.


Alum Ladd

Could be most likely nutjob stuff
I was thinking of using my Gillette Slim for today's "Vintage April" shave...a razor that I've owned for nearly two years...and never used. 😳

My first thought was:

I'd like to set the gap near the same as my pre-war Techs, but first need to know the approximate gaps on the Slim at the various settings.

Now, before you think "do a search, you lazy #@$%&#, note that I DID, in fact, go to the blade gap chart in the "stickies" to seek the info. The chart lists many razors, with the gaps in mm.

Below the chart it says:

Slim and Fat Boy range from .022 @ 1 to .045 @ 9

That can't be mm...I mean, the chart lists a C2 (1957) Tech at .59mm, so I'm assuming the numbers above for the Slim and Fatboy are inches?

I know, none of this really matters, just set the razor to 4-5 and shave, but my curiosity won't allow me to let this go.

Can somebody offer the approximate blade gaps for the Slim in mm, so I can do an apples to apples comparison, and sleep soundly tonight??? 😆😆😆
Setting 3-4 will mimic a Pre-War pretty well.
Hmm I’m going to need help with that one too.

Any ideia @Alum Ladd?
well after studying the chart, how ever it was measured? conceived/made/calculated ?

the mechanics of an adjustable is a nut an bolt in simplest of terms
the inside is a series of notches the spring/clicker clicks in
so, I submit to the jury so many variables as evidenced by a variance across each column thats all over the bowl like a dogs breakfast

Alum Ladd

Could be most likely nutjob stuff
Hmm I’m going to need help with that one too.

Any ideia @Alum Ladd?
The only thing I have seen regarding that is on one of the RE history youtube vids, where there is footage of some Gillette company documents, showing some kind of bell curve for the 1-5 adjustable AQOSS (Adjustable Quick Opening Super Speed) models comparing gaps to existing Gillette models. These may have been the test market models or prototypes, it's been a very long while since I watched that.

Memory might be playing tricks though.
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Hi, Moriarty here,
Well, if 5p is actually 5 position? how can it have 9 gaps as listed?

so, the nut and bolt scenario, them there threads are way smaller that what i care to measure
so for simplicity i'm saying lets pick a nominal 32 teeth per inch, if it [the adjuster ] is one inch long there are 32 teeth, if it is 4 miles long there are 32 teeth every inch or a 32 teeth per inch nut will not screw on or off 4 miles of thread
semi reality is the adjuster is bugger all long, but still has that nominal 32 teeth per inch, the thread pitch can not vary, or it wont work

I've not got an adjustable apart at present to measure, decipher or otherwise guess if the notches are placed evenly ? there be a pitcher?

top left is the adjuster slots, hard to tell from the pitcher if the notches are evenly spaced or not
lets assume they are? then each blade gap will be 0.00X in identical increments EG: 0.001 0.003 0.005 etc
from the chart one listed is actually 0.006 difference in the middle range and 0.002 at the ends suggesting that the adjuster notches are not spaced evenly?

Wear? when you are down to measurements in the width of a bees anatomy, brass on brass on steel clicker, wear is a possibility? no? [thread included]

Fingers. did you clik the adjuster into the middle of the notch? is it hard up the left side of the notch? before you measured the gap the bees anatomy needs fit in?

Account for any variable over any model of razor, who can say blade gap is x.xxx inches or mm at what setting compared to any other razor?

Your Honour, I hereby apply to the court that this case be dismissed. ⚒️
I was wondering at the blade gap as well as the blade exposure. I've been shaving with my J4 Slim the last couple of days on setting 9. I did get a weeper today, but the overall shave was good. I could definitely feel the blade much more than on my Razorock Gamechanger .84p or my Henson AL13 +++. So, I think the blade exposure is more.
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