- in all it's variations. American, English, Canadian. Short comb, long comb. Goodwill, Otto Roth, NEW Improved, NEW Deluxe, 7 O'Clock. What do you like the most about the NEW? Which do you like the most? What have you found special about each? Share any special combinations of blades, handles, techniques, juju, voodoo or anything else that makes this your favorite type of razor.
There seem to be a few of us that dominate the NEW discussion. I want to hear from everyone. Seasoned NEW users, brand new NEW users, those who want to become NEW users. Give us some history we don't know about, share a rare or unusual model you have, ask any question about any aspect of the NEW you may have and share the score of the century that you found in an out of the way antique shop in Kalamazoo MI.
Let the discussion begin.
There seem to be a few of us that dominate the NEW discussion. I want to hear from everyone. Seasoned NEW users, brand new NEW users, those who want to become NEW users. Give us some history we don't know about, share a rare or unusual model you have, ask any question about any aspect of the NEW you may have and share the score of the century that you found in an out of the way antique shop in Kalamazoo MI.
Let the discussion begin.