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I've bought my first vintage razor (a Superspeed)! Tell me about my choice!

First shave with my Superspeed!
2 pass WTG/XTG, Gillette Platinum blade (Figured I would initiate it with a same brand blade)
Oh man! Wow!!!
Smooth as butter and efficient as can be. The result was an almost BBS shave.
I'm impressed and sad at the same time that I never gave a look at these vintage Gillette's.
Caught up in all the modern razors that are hyped and don't hold a candle to this one. I've spent a lot of money with all the mid & high tier razors!! I understand now the love for vintage!
I learned something tonight:
Don't fix what ain't broken! I guess our Grandfather's knew something that we didn't!
This razors blade alignment is perfect and it clamps the blade down as good as anything modern. It feels great and has perfect balance and maneuverability.
I'm really dumbfounded!
The only modern razor that I have that I can say that is equivalent is my Made in the USA Above the Tie Windsor SS 0.80 SSRH. Other than that, the others are nice in their own right but I guess just different!

In other news,
I've purchased a birth year/birth quarter superspeed for really cheap. Seems to be in decent shape (especially the black handle) and with a good cleaning should be a nice piece:



Next up is the search for a step up in aggressiveness (A red tip). I'm going to take my time and find a nice one and might even get it replated if necessary. I need to slow down a bit with the buying so I'm gonna take it easy.
I say that because I know that now the vintage bug will hit me and we all know how that flows.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I am afraid to say this as I am still looking for one, but keep an eye out for the the British Red Tip. The Rocket, I believe it's called. Will be as much as a decent modern razor I am afraid. :crying:
I have several Super Speeds, including a Flair Tip that isn't quite as nice-looking as yours. While shaving with your Flair Tip, look around for other models, especially the 40' model. Don't pass up on a Milord, or even any of the Super Adjustables, and Slim.
Eventually you may become interested in open comb razors. The Ball End Old Type is easy to find and shaves like a dream - so do the New Long Comb and Short Combs.
You already have one toe into the rabbit hole ... you just don't know it yet.
Nickel Old Type.jpg

Cohiba Box Razors to post.jpg
You already have one toe into the rabbit hole ... you just don't know it yet.
Oh I do know it!! Trust me!🤣
Matter of fact, in the last couple days I've been reading like crazy about vintage Gillette's + looking at them all.
Just this morning I made a list of what I'd like to eventually get. All 3 you mentioned are on the list but no OC's. I'm not into OC's but I guess if I were to find one for a deal, it might change my mind. We'll see!
I want slow down though and take my time.
I don't want to go nuts and have everything. I want to explore and enjoy every piece I eventually acquire.
Oh I do know it!! Trust me!🤣
Matter of fact, in the last couple days I've been reading like crazy about vintage Gillette's + looking at them all.
Just this morning I made a list of what I'd like to eventually get. All 3 you mentioned are on the list but no OC's. I'm not into OC's but I guess if I were to find one for a deal, it might change my mind. We'll see!
I want slow down though and take my time.
I don't want to go nuts and have everything. I want to explore and enjoy every piece I eventually acquire.
Don't pass up any opportunity to get a nice Open Comb. I was hesitant at first but got an Old Type & have loved OC's ever since. I have more OC's in my razor rotation than closed combs. Goodwills are solid, and New Short Combs are a little more difficult to find. I've got an old beat up Short Comb that shaves so nice that I'll be sending it to Backroads Gold to replate.
I just picked up a Red Tip Super Speed for $20!
Tell me what you think?
Pictures aren't super clear but based on what I see, it looks OK for $20. (I've seen worse for more $$)
Regardless how it ends up being, here's my plan:
Next razor I wanted (to actually use every day) was a Red Tip. I like aggressive razors so it seemed like the logical choice as a follow-up vintage purchase. Plus it looks really cool!!
Since I've never tried one, I figured I buy this one for $20 to try it out (before I go all out buying aa more expensive one). If I like it, I'll send it to replate. If I don't like the shape but do like the shave, I'll buy a nice replated one which I'll fund by selling other pieces that I have. Seems reasonable!!
Anyways, here's my $20 piece that should arrive next week:



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Well folks, I never delved into anything vintage. I like modern razors and never really had an interest in old razors. But I decided to try one out for the first time. I hear so many great things about these vintage razors on B&B that it was just a matter of time before I would buy one. A "new" vintage razor seemed like a good way to go the vintage route. And my choice for a first vintage razor was a Superspeed. I based my decision on researching (on B&B) what I might like and I like how it looks too!
I found a "New old stock" 1963 Gillette Superspeed flare tip!
Should be here next week!
Note: I know zilch about vintage so hopefully this works out😄

I'd love to hear some opinions (positives & negatives) from you all on what I'm looking forward to. I lack the knowledge on this side of the shaving world!

Here are some pictures:






Gillette Super Speed flare tip! Great razor!

My cheap 74' Super Speed arrived!
The black handle is in perfect condition and the mechanism works smooth. The only thing is some metal stains on top of the doors. They look like what "tea stains" look like. Anyone know of a good polish for this?
A polish is all it needs and it would look like new!

My cheap 74' Super Speed arrived!
The black handle is in perfect condition and the mechanism works smooth. The only thing is some metal stains on top of the doors. They look like what "tea stains" look like. Anyone know of a good polish for this?
A polish is all it needs and it would look like new!
I like the 1970s black handle. My guess is the "stains" are where the plating has worn off revealing the brass underneath. I'd wash it with hot water, dish soap, and a soft toothbrush to see if it cleans any. I don't think I'd try polishing because it would just wear off more of the plating.
I like the 1970s black handle. My guess is the "stains" are where the plating has worn off revealing the brass underneath. I'd wash it with hot water, dish soap, and a soft toothbrush to see if it cleans any. I don't think I'd try polishing because it would just wear off more of the plating.
Ok I'll try that first!
When you see it in person, it doesn't look like exposed brass. It looks like some sort of staining. The kind of brownish staining that you get from hard water. But I could be wrong!
I'll try the soap and take it from there!
I've been doing the same thing lately - buy a cheap, cruddy razor. If it shaves nicely, I send it to Backroads Gold to replate. Often the combined cost is significantly less than a pristine example of the same razor.View attachment 1495164
View attachment 1495170
That's an amazing result.
I think I'd be using Backroads Gold as well. Too many good things said here about them.
And that picture of yours says it all.
I figure $20 for the Red Tip + $65 for a replate is awesome.
Cheaper than buying a restored one as well. I see people selling them replated for like $150.
Unfortunately though, Backroads Gold isn't working right now per their website. I guess their moving!
Hopefully they'll be back up and running soon.
That's an amazing result.
I think I'd be using Backroads Gold as well. Too many good things said here about them.
And that picture of yours says it all.
I figure $20 for the Red Tip + $65 for a replate is awesome.
Cheaper than buying a restored one as well. I see people selling them replated for like $150.
Unfortunately though, Backroads Gold isn't working right now per their website. I guess their moving!
Hopefully they'll be back up and running soon.
Yes, they're moving & Chris said he should have a shop set up maybe late August. He does first rate work. I've never had ny complaints.


I shaved a fortune

I did end up ordering that British Flat Bottom Tech... I'm planning on sending it to Back Roads Gold too. Chris replied to my email right away. I'm looking forward to experimenting a bit with DE razors.
Yes, they're moving & Chris said he should have a shop set up maybe late August. He does first rate work. I've never had ny complaints.View attachment 1495175
Man that's amazing!
Once again makes me wonder why I spent so much on new modern razors. I could've bought a bunch of vintage ones I'd like and replate them. I would've saved a bunch, Lol!!
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