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How often do you shave with a DE Razor?

I shave every 3rd or 4th day, when my stubble starts to annoy me. For one, I just don't have the time--too much else I'd rather be (or need to be) doing. Also, I enjoy looking a little different from one day to the next. Lastly, I'm afraid I'd find it something of a chore if I did it every day. 2x a week keeps the experience fresh for me.

Mike M

...but this one IS cracked.
I shave daily, In my house it's the only time I get to myself plus I just really enjoy it. I'd shave twice a day but the missus would complain.
With a razor of some sort, every day for about 60 years. With a DE, I actually never counted but a WAG would be about half that or a little more.
Because I like really aggressive razors with sharp blades - I do the twice a week and a proper Sunday night shave system. Unfortunately, I have a bit of a commute in the mornings and I don't like too much of a gap between waking and heading off most mornings.

I do look forward to retiring and being able to shave every day at leisure... and being at leisure generally.
I shave with a DE 2, 3 or 4 times a year.

Typically I shave daily with a straight. Usually a two pass shave. I don't have sensitive skin and according to my barber, a normal beard. I occasionally skip a day or two, just because I want to.
For 20 years in the service I was required to shave every day. I used a straight razor mostly and never had a problem with irritation.
I used to be a 36 hour shaver, but my schedule often led to skipped evening shaves and 48 hour stubble is just... not as nice to shave. I shave 6-7 days a week now, practically whenever I shower, which is usually in the morning after exercising. Occasionally, I'll shave as soon as 20 hours after the last shave without issue. I will skip shaving Monday if/when I shower and shave Sunday night.
Before i retired i shaved at least 5 days a week. Since retirement I am at a very comfortable every 2-3 days. (Timeless .95 SB or OC depending on the number of days, Nacets and Feathers)
Every day. Couldn't contemplate not shaving. Two passes. I look like a homeless bum if I don't.

Total noob as I've only been DE shaving for two weeks and struggling with razor rash a bit but I'm sure that will go as my technique improves.
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