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Why Aren't All Razors Dual Combs?

I wish every DE razor was a dual comb. It's not like you can use both sides in the same stroke, after all.

Sure, if that is what you want, but I think once shavers have made up their mind whether they prefer the open or closed comb variant there is little rationale in having a dual comb.
For anyone like me, who does not believe in taking a blade out of a razor until it is time to replace the blade, it might even be counterproductive, as I don’t like to be forced to shave with the open or closed side if I don’t feel like just for the sake of using both edges evenly.

I also found that if blade gap and exposure are the same, there is little difference between the two variants, except for the way the razor head routes the residual lather during a pass.

IMO, the perceived aggressiveness and closer shave of many open comb razors lies in their wider blade gap and exposure when compared to their closed comb counterparts (e.g. Mühle R41 vs. R89). As this is not the case with a dual head (correct me if I’m wrong), I see no reason for a dual head razor in my den.

Besides, I have several razors with both open and closed comb heads, so if I should feel the urge, which I rarely do, all I had to do is swap bottom and, if needed, base plates.

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Sure, if that is what you want, but I think once shavers have made up their mind whether they prefer the open or closed comb variant there is little rationale in having a dual comb.

To make up your mind, both must be tried. Wouldn't it be nicer to have both options in the same baseplate instead of having to purchase a second baseplate?

For anyone like me, who does not believe in taking a blade out of a razor until it is time to replace the blade, it might even be counterproductive, as I don’t like to be forced to shave with the open or closed side if I don’t feel like just for the sake of using both edges evenly.

I rotate the the blade before a shave if I'm using the same side as my last shave. If I'm using the opposite side, I leave the blade as is.

I also found that if blade gap and exposure are the same, there is little difference between the two variants, except for the way the razor head routes the residual lather during a pass.

I can only comment on the razors I've used in both OC and CC format, but I did notice a difference between the two. I've sold most of my Timeless baseplates except for the OC versions and one CC version.

IMO, the perceived aggressiveness and closer shave of many open comb razors lies in their wider blade gap and exposure when compared to their closed comb counterparts (e.g. Mühle R41 vs. R89). As this is not the case with a dual head (correct me if I’m wrong), I see no reason for a dual head razor in my den.

See above comment. Even with the same .68 or .95 blade gap, I noticed a difference in the shave between the OC version and the CC version.

Besides, I have several razors with both open and closed comb heads, so if I should feel the urge, which I rarely do, all I had to do is swap bottom and, if needed, base plates.

Yeah but wouldn't it be better if you only had to have one baseplate to have both an OC and CC razor?

I'm just in a bit of an argumentative and tongue-in cheek mood and mean no ill will towards Brutus. These are nothing more than opinions after all and no one can actually be right. Cheers Brutus! 🍻
The razors I can compare to as being “equals” in regards to open and closed comb are the UK Gillette Raised flat bottom New/Raised flat bottom Hybrid Tech, the flat bottom tech/flat bottom New, Pre War tech/New Long Comb.

It’s a different shave. I need different blades to get a shave I’m happy with using open combs, closed combs are generally more forgiving and Dual Combs look funny (my opinion).
I have always thought of the Dual Combs as more of a gimmicky, entry/trial razor for new users. This way you could try both with one purchase and decide what worked better for you. Then you pass the razor on to another newbie or it goes into long-term storage.


I smell like a Christmas pudding
To my eye dual combs look like a gimmick, and we all know what that eventually leads to.......


Just look at this beauty - according to the hucksters at Gillette it is a dual cartridge - the second one is floating above the first, magically attached by Gillette patented G rays, available to you at only $149 plus $30/month. Or, I may have made that up, but anyway it is so much better than the garbage they sold you last week, go on, you know you want one 👍


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
True, but those that don't want to use one side or the other of the dual comb don't have to. They've still got their preference on one side.
You're not really suggesting I purchase a razor that is half of what I really want so the small number of shavers who desire the two sided choice can have their pick of the litter?

Capitalism actually works. If lots of people wanted the two sided version you'd see a lot more of them in the market.
As with a fair number of others, I just find the dual comb "more extra" than I enjoy. My experiences with them have been very limited (iKon and something else I don't remember), but I found the difference so minimal as to be non-existent. I generally like LOTS of blade-feel, and that may be the issue- offering a modest increase of microaggression simply may not be adequate for me to appreciate.

I suspect, but certainly could not prove, that buyers who want a range of function are probably more sold on a genuine adjustable, versus a "1 or 2."

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
I bought my first Dual combination OC + SB Yaqi "Flipside". One of my best razors for just the right blade feel to the face. I did not know what to expect so I did not want to spend a lot on this experiment.
The OC side is less aggressive than the scalloped sold bar side, it is like a adjustable razor I found but on the fly with no settings to stop & set and I like to use the OC on the chin area mostly with excellent results with minimal irritation. The shave is usually excellent also for closeness and comfort.
The only draw back is remembering or visually confirming what side your on sometimes.
I have a lot of razors in rotation and always look forward to using the Yaqi dual Flipside razor when it's turn comes up!
I bought my first Dual combination OC + SB Yaqi "Flipside". One of my best razors for just the right blade feel to the face. I did not know what to expect so I did not want to spend a lot on this experiment.
The OC side is less aggressive than the scalloped sold bar side, it is like a adjustable razor I found but on the fly with no settings to stop & set and I like to use the OC on the chin area mostly with excellent results with minimal irritation. The shave is usually excellent also for closeness and comfort.
The only draw back is remembering or visually confirming what side your on sometimes.
I have a lot of razors in rotation and always look forward to using the Yaqi dual Flipside razor when it's turn comes up!
The Flipside OC is a great choice on days I just want a casual shave. It's also a great bargain from a cost standpoint if you have a spare handle.
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