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How do you tie your necktie??


After browsing this link, I came to realize that the way I tie my tie every day, the way my dad taught me, is not the way most people do it. The majority of people tie what is called the "Four-In-Hand" knot. I have always tied the "Half Windsor" knot. This week, I've begun experimenting with the different knots on this page, and I've come to realize that, in certain situations, each knot has a place. With some ties, the four-in-hand knot looks great. Others look better in a half windsor. I have another that is very long, and the only way to get a decent sized knot out of it, and still have the tie the right length, is to tie a full windsor. Some of my ties I never wear, because they are too short for me. This week, I learned that if I use a Pratt knot, I can get them to be the correct length, and still look good.

So, how do you tie your tie??
I prefer either a half windsor or full windsor. there have been several threads regarding 'tie do's & don'ts' and like you said, each has it's own function. I made the mistake of doing a four-in-hand knot for my tux when I got married. now when I look at pics my tie looks crooked.
Like the site says, I typically use the Four-in-Hand, but I also use the Half-Windsor occasionally, especially for more formal occasions. Sometimes, it also depends on the tie itself. With some of my thicker ties, the knot looks a little bulbous with a Windsor, and some of the thinner ones look not so hot with a Four-in-Hand. I know for me, the Four-in-Hand is easiest to untie. I know guys who like to leave their ties knotted which is a major no-no.

Strangely enough, the knots I learned first were the Windsors; they were all my Dad used. I learned the Four-in-Hand later.
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I'm nearly always a full-windsor or a four-in-hand knot. It depends on the tie and how substantial it is. A half-windsor, for me, almost always ends up in a ridiculously small knot.

Whichever knot I choose, whenever possible, I always try to end in a dimple. I'm always amazed when I see a TV personality (newscaster, for instance) with an expensive tie, and no dimple. Come on, finish getting dressed, will you?
I found instructions for the Pratt/Shelby knot 2 years ago, and now I use it exclusively. I used to wear a tie to work every day until the century changed when ties disappeared almost overnight from my work world. I only wear a tie about 3 or 4 times a year now, and so I need to keep my knot tying instructions close by for reference.
I use a half Windsor. I think it makes a nicer, more symmetrical knot than the four in hand.
Well after being in the Military i only use Full-Windsor......Only thing that looks right now....I still hate it when my hair touches my ears.....any surprise I'm interested in getting the BEST shave possible...sure wish I knew about wetshaving back then....lol my Inspections would have went way better...I always got dinged on my shave....stupid M3...and one pass...and canned crap.....
The only knot I know is the Half Windsor, but I have trouble getting the dimple right. It always frustrates me, probably because of my perfectionist nature. I'm worst about ties I think... the dimple MUST be perfect, the triangle MUST be symmetrical, and the tip MUST reach the top of the belt and no further.

Maybe I should look into the Pratt/Shelby.

Perfect knot every time.
The only knot I know is the Half Windsor, but I have trouble getting the dimple right. It always frustrates me, probably because of my perfectionist nature. I'm worst about ties I think... the dimple MUST be perfect, the triangle MUST be symmetrical, and the tip MUST reach the top of the belt and no further.

Maybe I should look into the Pratt/Shelby.

As a technically it should be impossible to get a half-windsor to be symetrical!

No reason for a dimple not to be perfect! I find the tip to the top of my belt a little short. Maybe I am fat and things separate over the course of the day, though.
When I worked in I.T. at our corporate HQ, it was shirt and tie Monday to Thursday. I usually did the half windsor, unless it was a longer tie when I could pull off the full windsor. I never did the four-in-hand, it never felt straight enough and I always had too much tie left over. But the more I think about it, my boss used to tie his tie when he got to work and it appears that's the knot he used.

Good site! Thanks for sharing the link!
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