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New Above The Tie S1

Fourth shave has been the best so far…very close and comfortable. I used a Wizamet blade and SMN soap and aftershave (my Sunday go to combo). I had been using a German Bolzano blade which I really like, but the Wizamet provided a closer shave.

Yesterday I switched off to my Blutt 1.20 that’s been kicking my butt and actually got my first decent shave. This morning I went back to the S1 and my shave was almost automatic. The S1 is very close to being as smooth as the Blutt while providing a better shaving experience (no irritation). The S1 is really impressing me so far.

Another great shave in the books. Five shaves in and nothing but great shaves. No weepers, no irritation, no issues. One thing I keep forgetting to comment on is the smoothness of the handle threading onto the head….its very nice. No wobble or anything…one of the best I have in this area.

One thing I keep forgetting to comment on is the smoothness of the handle threading onto the head….its very nice. No wobble or anything…one of the best I have in this area.

Tyler, our Head of Manufacturing, was really happy to hear this! We (mostly Tyler) put a lot of effort into making these threads as snug, smooth, and satisfying to use as possible. I think they're probably the nicest threads I've ever used. The titanium threads are particularly great.
Tyler, our Head of Manufacturing, was really happy to hear this! We (mostly Tyler) put a lot of effort into making these threads as snug, smooth, and satisfying to use as possible. I think they're probably the nicest threads I've ever used. The titanium threads are particularly great.
Tell Tyler he did a great job with the threads. It’s probably the best of all my razors with the Bronze Blackbird coming in a close second. It really steps up the fit and finish in my opinion. Thanks for paying attention to this particular aspect of the razor. It’s the little things that impress.
Just something about vendors engaging with the community that just makes me want to buy their stuff. That's why I got 2 Blackbirds and used to own an Athena. Looks like an ATT is next.
Tyler, our Head of Manufacturing, was really happy to hear this! We (mostly Tyler) put a lot of effort into making these threads as snug, smooth, and satisfying to use as possible. I think they're probably the nicest threads I've ever used. The titanium threads are particularly great.
Just something about vendors engaging with the community that just makes me want to buy their stuff. That's why I got 2 Blackbirds and used to own an Athena. Looks like an ATT is next.
I can tell you the new S1 is a very nice razor. It is nice when the vendors engage. Shows they are interested in their customers and maybe in the feedback provided.
Well, I ended up purchasing a new Blackland made Above The Tie S1 (machined stainless) and let me say it is a great razor. When I opened the box the first thought that came to mind was this is definitely an Above The Tie razor. Shane did an outstanding job keeping the ATT character while mildly updating the razor. I had an older ATT S1 a few years back so memory may be a tad foggy, but the new S1 head covers the blade tabs, looks to be slightly more torqued, and definitely has more of a ramp on the base plate moving up to the scallops which I really like (hopefully you can see this in the pictures below). He kept the tiny blade locator pins, and the handle is basically a Kronos with a couple of lines engraved at the bottom for more aesthetics.

I've had two shaves now with this razor back to back. I can tell the efficiency has been improved a little while still keeping a very smooth shave. The S1 would be a great daily shaver for anyone looking for a smooth, efficient shave. It's not Blackbird efficient, but it's not too far behind. For me the Blackbird is a 9 in efficiency....the S1 is coming in at around 7.5-8 on the efficiency scale so far. It is providing a close shave, but it doesn't last as long as the Bird. Blade feel seems like it may be more neutral as I can barely detect any blade at all. Shaving angle is very broad. I am able to get nice cutting from steep to shallow so should work for the majority of folks style. I haven't felt any blade chatter, only smoothness. Overall quality is probably better than the original (less machine marks) and most definitely on the typical Backland level.

I think Shane did a great job with the S1. I really feel like it's an Above The Tie razor and not some knock-off Blackland product. If I didn't know Backland was linked to the ATT brand, I would never know by looking at this razor....so nice job here. I'm going to use it for the week daily to see how well it does....but I have a sneaking feeling I won't have any issues. My first couple of shaves yielded close, smooth, no irritation shaves. One last thought, I really like the downsized razor stand. I always thought they were way too large.

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Great looking razor!! Enjoy!! :a17: :a17:
Despite looking awesome, I'm gonna skip the slant. I'll bite whenever they come out with an updated Windsor!
And maybe add the Tradere as a new addition to ATT. The Tradere seems like a logical addition to the contemporary
ATT razors!
Yep, I’m looking forward to a new line of Windsor as well. I liked the SSRH but at times it felt a little rough. Hoping a new one might be a little smoother while still keeping the blade forward effectiveness.
Yep, I’m looking forward to a new line of Windsor as well. I liked the SSRH but at times it felt a little rough. Hoping a new one might be a little smoother while still keeping the blade forward effectiveness.
I'm guessing it should be the next one offered?
That was ATT's flagship razor!
I know people want the X1 slant but I wouldn't follow up with another slant as the next offering.
We'll see what they do next!
Fourth shave has been the best so far…very close and comfortable. I used a Wizamet blade and SMN soap and aftershave (my Sunday go to combo). I had been using a German Bolzano blade which I really like, but the Wizamet provided a closer shave.

Yesterday I switched off to my Blutt 1.20 that’s been kicking my butt and actually got my first decent shave. This morning I went back to the S1 and my shave was almost automatic. The S1 is very close to being as smooth as the Blutt while providing a better shaving experience (no irritation). The S1 is really impressing me so far.

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Super interesting, thanks for sharing. What's going on for you with the Blutt? I've gotten a touch-down nick from the 1.20 (it's a pretty big gap), but otherwise had good luck with no irritation.
Despite looking awesome, I'm gonna skip the slant. I'll bite whenever they come out with an updated Windsor!
And maybe add the Tradere as a new addition to ATT. The Tradere seems like a logical addition to the contemporary
ATT razors!

We picked the S1 first because I think it delivers the most standout shave of the lineup. I was blown away by the performance so I knew it had to be the first to return. Slants aren't as popular as standard DEs, but the S1 is so special that we don't care. The Windsor will return, likely with a new name at some point.
Super interesting, thanks for sharing. What's going on for you with the Blutt? I've gotten a touch-down nick from the 1.20 (it's a pretty big gap), but otherwise had good luck with no irritation.
I always wanted the Blutt 1.20, so when they became available again I picked one up. I've shaved with it 4 or 5 times and all but one has left my skin irritated. I think because it's so smooth and sneaky efficient I've been over shaving with it. It's a very well crafted razor, but not sure it's the right one for me. Most likely I need more time with it, but it just isn't calling out to me. I tend to prefer blade forward razors that provide a bit more feedback. The S1 isn't blade forward, but it shaves really well....almost as smooth as the Blutt, but without the irritation. The S1 efficiency is not quite as good as the Blutt 1.20 but it I like it better. It's makes for a great daily driver.
We picked the S1 first because I think it delivers the most standout shave of the lineup. I was blown away by the performance so I knew it had to be the first to return. Slants aren't as popular as standard DEs, but the S1 is so special that we don't care. The Windsor will return, likely with a new name at some point.
I'm certainly enjoying the my S1. I always regretted letting my original one go so I'm happy to have another one that's even better than the first.
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