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How do you keep track of your razor rotation?

If you only have 1,2 or 3 razors, you probably don't have much problem keeping track of how many times you've used a blade, if you shave a certain number of times before changing.

With 9 razors in my rotation, I have to have a way to keep track:

$razortickchart1.JPG This is my first attempt but as you can see ... it got messy! :blush:

$razortickchart2.JPG The new improved version ... file in computer for changes and more copies at the touch of a few buttons! I use 4X6 blank postcards and magnet on inside of medicine cabinet door.
How do you keep track of blade usage in your rotation?

(For people checking out the razors ...Gillette Long-tooth OC NEW added to list since this card was printed.)
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I don't keep track. I have 13 razors I think. The ones I use most are in the bathroom, and I just take the one I feel like. Sometimes I go in the drawr I keep the rest and pick up something else. I still have a couple of razors I've had for a long time I haven't tried yet ;)
Why do you need to keep track? Why don't you just use whatever one you feel like when you are in front of the mirror?

You know you are right ... I meant to say how do you keep track of the number of times you have shaved with a blade ... I'm going to try & change my post to such.

Change Made!
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I have my DE and Razors standing up in tooth brush holders in a a drawer. You can see them in the picture below - which was taken when I had fewer razors and brushes. They are in the lower left hand corner of the photo.

I move the razors up when it's their turn to be used. My wife laughs at me about being so compulsive - but what the heck.

$shave den.jpg
I now have a collection of over 100 razors. I have 2 razors I shave with, I shave with either one or the other and I don't keep track.
You know you are right ... I meant to say how do you keep track of the number of times you have shaved with a blade ... I'm going to try & change my post to such.

Oh, I get it now!

There's a fellow on here who takes the blade out with every shave. Seems a little extreme to me, but that's what they do to help keep track.

I sometimes change a blade mid-shave if I feel like it's not performing properly....
I sometimes change a blade mid-shave if I feel like it's not performing properly....

^ That's how I keep track of my shaves. I pick the razor that calls to me. Kind of like a cat to a shiny oject :drool:. And I change the blade when it starts to feel crapy.
Instead of a different razor every day, I use the same razor until the blade I've loaded it with dulls, and onto a new a razor/blade combo after that!
Easy. I store all my razors empty. When I load a blade into a razor, I place that razor in front of my display shelf. I use that razor and blade until it gets too dull to shave comfortably. I then move to the next blade razor combo. One razor/blade might last me months as I also shave with straights.
I don't keep track. I have about 20 razors and several hundred blades. I just use whatever I fancy on a particular day. Usually I'll use the same razor for 2-4 days in a row, then rotate. But it really doesn't matter if I get one shave or five out of a blade--they're so inexpensive. Sometimes if I've only used a blade once or twice, I'll take it out and put it in another razor. I try not to store razors with blades in them...I got sliced really badly earlier this year and I'm overcautious. Brushes and soaps are the same way--I'll get in the bathroom and say "Okay, which one of you beauties am I gonna take out today?"
I use a different razor and blade each day I shave. I don't "track" which razor or how often I use it, I just grab what fits my mood for that day and run with it.

I remove the blade from the razor after each shave.

I may have anywhere from 6 to 10 different brands of blades open at any given time with any number of shaves on each blade.

To keep track of how many shaves I have on each blade that are open I have 6 blade wrappers on my counter numbered 1 to 6 to correspond to how many shaves are on each blade. I grab a blade off of one wrapper, shave with it, then move it down to the next numbered wrapper. I get anywhere from 4 to 10 shaves on a blade, depending on the blade. Once a blade gets to wrapper #6 it sits there until it no longer performs. When the blade feels like it has given its all, I toss that blade. I will typically toss a blade in the middle of a shave rather than arbitrarily decide when to give it the heave ho.

This has worked very well for me



B&B Tease-in-Residence
I keep my straight razors on a rack and work my way from left to right. The slot that is empty is the blade I am currently using.
I use dice to keep track of how many times each blade has been used - one die in front of each razor. After shaving, I replace the razor and turn the die over to the next number.
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