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Help me figure out if I should even bother trying other tallow-based soaps

I've not had a lot of samples in this regard- I've used Arko sticks and they're meh. Nice slickness but not so great on the cushion. Decently close shave but a bit scrape-y with some sensitivity afterwards. Williams has been about the same for me.

Hard soaps that really work for me are Gentlemen's Best, Mama Bear, Pre de Provence. I'm usually more of a cream person. Harris is my best performer, followed by Speick and Proraso, Musgo (I figured out the right water/cream ratio), TOBS, T&H. Godrej for me gives about the same shave as the tallow soaps. Trumpers was unimpressive on my beard and I won't consider buying it.

So, with that in mind, what tallow stuff should I try? Or is it not worth the time since I'm normally so cream-centric?
Tallow is not a magical ingredient which transforms mere soaps into enhanced, godlike products. All soaps have their own strong and weak points; it's very difficult to point to a class of characteristics and state 'these are caused by tallow'.

So with this in mind you should simply try whatever comes your way. At some point I stopped trying creams because I felt I'd tried (nearly) all those I could cheaply lay my hands on, storage of soaps was also a problem until I purchased plastic tubs with snap-on lids. Once I tried out soaps too it turned out that the products which worked best for me were often soaps. It is not something I 'wanted' to happen; it just did. And to be honest, I don't really care whether its state is hard or soft, as long as it works well.
Your wet shaving journey is not complete until you have tried Tabac. It's a classic that you have to try, just to say you have tried it

(I happen to think it is an awesome tallow based shaving soap, but some find the scent disagreeable.).
There are a number of tallows or similer soaps out there that those of us with a little experience would highly recommend you at least try giving a try. At the top of the list would be Tabac and Mitchell's Wool Fat. Ad others such as AOS and Pro de Provance and you have a good selection of soaps to explore and enjoy. Any of these will last a long time and are worth the investment. I feel the object of this forum is to help others explore and enjoy. Try some of these other soaps and enjoy the experience many of us have had with these products.
Czech and Speake

Just goes to show YMMV...my C&S is my least favorite of my Tallow soaps. Performs well...no issues there...there is just a certain Je Ne Sais Pas with C&S...it just isn't as good as Penhaligons, Tabac, AoS, Irisch Moos etc IMHO...way overpriced to get something that is easier to lather and smells better...
The tallow soaps you should try, listed in order, are:

  1. Tabac
  2. Tabac
  3. Irisch Moos
  4. Tabac


Adds to "Don't take soap advice from" list :tongue_sm
Tabac should be tried, though...

Just goes to show YMMV...my C&S is my least favorite of my Tallow soaps. Performs well...no issues there...there is just a certain Je Ne Sais Pas with C&S...it just isn't as good as Penhaligons, Tabac, AoS, Irisch Moos etc IMHO...way overpriced to get something that is easier to lather and smells better...

WOW! C&S Oxford & Cambridge is hands down my favorite soap (priced in line with old formula Pens as well so not too outrageous). I find the performance of it to be every bit as good as anything I've tried (easy to lather too)... I remember Jim got and Evan had a situation where the one got a great puck and the other got a bad one... It's definitely worth asking for a replacement IMHO
Considering the ones I've tried so far, neither Williams nor Arko is going to peak out at $20 a stick any time soon.... :001_smile

I dunno, have you checked vintage Williams on Ebay? :lol:

Seriously, if you're a cream guy, Cella is a very transitional product. It's like a cross between a soap and a cream, and it works quite well for me.
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