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Heating soap?

I had a puck of Van Der Hagen Deluxe shave soap that I put in a container and put in the microwave to get it to fit into a container. It was completely liquid and then I let it harden. I created an awesome looking lather with it in a mug, but it only bubbled away once put on my face. When I apply it directly to my face, it's somewhat slick, but not anywhere near as slick as cream. Is it possible that heating it messed up the way it was mixed from the factory and lessened its quality?
Unless you really overheated it (burned/scorched it), I shouldn't think so. Glycerin soaps can usually be melted and poured with negligible, if any, loss in quality.

But yeah, it's possible.
I think that's unlikely. The VdH microwave trick is popular here, and I've done it myself without harming the soap's ability to lather.

Is this your first soap? If so, I think it's more likely that the lather wasn't quite as good as you thought. Have you read the tutorial at http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/How_to_make_great_lather_from_a_soap yet?

Yes, it is my first soap and I did read the tutorial. My lather looked like what it does in the picture in the tutorial, but it just starts dissolving once it gets on my face.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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Yes, it is my first soap and I did read the tutorial. My lather looked like what it does in the picture in the tutorial, but it just starts dissolving once it gets on my face.

Try charging the brush more next time to use more product.
How long did you nuke it for?

Are you using any other products before applying soap? Pre-shave oil?
Less than 30 seconds.

Nope, just soap.

You did not harm your soap.

As other have mentioned, it sounds like you are not charging your brush with enough soap. What would really help is to post a picture of the brush after charging it on the soap puck and then after you have created lather.
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